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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, H, N, 2O, R and T

ANTHOPHOREanthophore n. (Botany) The stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the pink family.
ANTHOPHORE n. the stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the Pink family.
ANTHROPOIDanthropoid adj. Having characteristics of a human, usually in terms of shape or appearance.
anthropoid adj. Having characteristics of an ape.
anthropoid n. An anthropoid animal.
CARTOONISHcartoonish adj. Exaggerated or caricatured, in the manner of a cartoon.
CARTOONISH adj. like a cartoon.
CHINAROOTSchinaroots n. Plural of chinaroot.
china-roots n. Plural of china-root.
china␣roots n. Plural of china root.
HOMOPTERANhomopteran n. Any insect of the former hemipteran order Homoptera.
HOMOPTERAN n. a member of the Homoptera, cicadas, froghoppers etc.
HORIZONTALhorizontal adj. Perpendicular to the vertical; parallel to the plane of the horizon; level, flat.
horizontal adj. (Marketing) Relating to horizontal markets.
horizontal adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to the horizon.
HORTATIONShortations n. Plural of hortation.
HORTATION n. the act of exhorting.
MATRONHOODmatronhood n. The state of being a matron.
MATRONHOOD n. the state of being a matron.
NONAUTHORSnonauthors n. Plural of nonauthor.
NONAUTHOR n. one who is not an author.
OCTAHEDRONoctahedron n. (Geometry) a polyhedron with eight faces; the regular octahedron has regular triangles as faces and…
OCTAHEDRON n. (Greek) a solid bounded by eight plane faces, also OCTOHEDRON.
OENOTHERASOENOTHERA n. a type of South American plant with yellow flowers that open in the evening.
ORTHOCAINEorthocaine n. Methyl m-amino-p-hydroxybenzoate, a fine white crystalline powder used as an anesthetic on open wounds.
ORTHOCAINE n. a white crystalline substance used as a local anaesthetic.
ORTHOGONALorthogonal adj. (Geometry) Of two objects, at right angles; perpendicular to each other.
orthogonal adj. (Mathematics).
orthogonal adj. (Statistics) Statistically independent, with reference to variates.
ORTHOPNOEAorthopnoea n. Shortness of breath when lying flat, causing the person to have to sleep propped up in bed or sitting in a chair.
orthopnœa n. Obsolete spelling of orthopnoea.
ORTHOPNOEA n. the ability to breathe in an upright position only.
PARENTHOODparenthood n. The state of being a parent.
PARENTHOOD n. the state of being a parent.
PROTOHUMANprotohuman adj. Pertaining to the first humans or the beginning of humankind.
protohuman n. One of the earliest humans preceding Homo sapiens.
proto-human adj. Alternative form of protohuman.
RADIOTHONSradiothons n. Plural of radiothon.
RADIOTHON n. a marathon talk-in on radio.
THEROPODANtheropodan n. Theropod.
THEROPODAN n. a carnivorous dinosaur with small forelimbs (e.g. a tyrannosaurus), also THEROPOD.
ZOANTHROPYzoanthropy n. (Medicine) A kind of delusion in which the patient believes himself transformed into one of the lower animals.
ZOANTHROPY n. a form of mental delusion in which a person believes himself or herself to be an animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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