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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, H, L, P, S, T and U

ASPHALTUMSasphaltums n. Plural of asphaltum.
ASPHALTUM n. (Greek) a mixture of bituminous pitch with sand etc. used for surfacing paths, roads, etc., also ASPHALT.
BISULPHATEbisulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative spelling of bisulfate.
BISULPHATE n. a salt containing double the proportion of the acid radical present in a sulphate, also BISULFATE.
DISULPHATEdisulphate n. (Chemistry) A salt or ester of disulphuric acid or pyrosulphuric acid; a pyrosulphate.
disulphate n. (Chemistry) An acid salt of sulphuric acid, having only one equivalent of base to two of the acid.
DISULPHATE n. a pyrosulphate.
HOURPLATEShourplates n. Plural of hourplate.
HOURPLATE n. a timepiece dial.
HOUSEPLANThouseplant n. A plant that is grown indoors in places such as a house or office for decorative purposes.
houseplant n. A variety of plant that is especially suited to such cultivation, or that is frequently grown in such settings.
house␣plant n. Alternative spelling of houseplant.
MULTIPHASEmultiphase adj. That generates, or employs, multiple alternating current supplies with the same voltage but different phase angles.
MULTIPHASE adj. having many phases.
PATCHOULISpatchoulis n. Plural of patchouli.
PATCHOULI n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PACHOULI, PATCHOULY.
POLYANTHUSpolyanthus n. A type of primula, apparently originally from a hybrid between the cowslip and the primrose, having…
POLYANTHUS n. the oxlip, so called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel.
POSTLAUNCHpostlaunch adj. After a launch.
POSTLAUNCH adj. following a launch.
PROTHALLUSprothallus n. A prothallium.
PROTHALLUS n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLIUM.
SPATHULATEspathulate adj. Alternative spelling of spatulate.
SPATHULATE adj. spoon-shaped.
SULPHATASEsulphatase n. (Biochemistry) Alternative spelling of sulfatase.
SULPHATASE n. any of various esterases that accelerate the hydrolysis of sulfuric esters, also SULFATASE.
SULPHATINGsulphating v. Present participle of sulphate.
SULPHATE v. to treat with sulfuric acid, also SULFATE.
SULPHATIONsulphation n. Alternative spelling of sulfation.
SULPHATION n. the act of forming a sulphate, also SULFATION.
SULPHONATEsulphonate n. (British spelling, chemistry) Alternative spelling of sulfonate.
sulphonate v. (British spelling, chemistry) Alternative spelling of sulfonate.
SULPHONATE n. a salt of sulphonic acid.
SULPHURATEsulphurate v. Alternative spelling of sulfurate.
sulphurate adj. (Poetic, rare, obsolete) sulphurous.
SULPHURATE v. to combine with sulphur, also SULFURATE.
SULTANSHIPsultanship n. The office or status of a sultan.
SULTANSHIP n. the office or dignity of a sultan.
TRIUMPHALStriumphals n. Plural of triumphal.
TRIUMPHAL n. (Milton) a token of victory.
ULTRASHARPultrasharp adj. Extremely or excessively sharp; rapier.
ULTRASHARP adj. very very sharp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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