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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, H, I, R, 2T and W

ANTIGROWTHantigrowth adj. Opposing or countering growth.
ANTIGROWTH adj. designed to prevent growth.
CARTWRIGHTcartwright n. A person who makes carts; a wainwright.
Cartwright prop.n. (Countable) An English surname originating as an occupation for someone who made carts.
Cartwright prop.n. (Uncountable) A placename, from the surname…
DITCHWATERditchwater n. The stagnant water that collects in a ditch.
DITCHWATER n. water found in a ditch.
SHIRTWAISTshirtwaist n. (US) A woman’s tailored blouse, buttoned down the front.
shirt-waist n. Alternative spelling of shirtwaist.
shirt␣waist n. Alternative spelling of shirtwaist.
SWARTHIESTswarthiest adj. Superlative form of swarthy: most swarthy.
SWARTHY adj. having a dark complexion, also SWARTY.
SWEATSHIRTsweatshirt n. A loose shirt, usually made of a knit fleece, for athletic wear and now often used as casual apparel.
sweatshirt n. A shirt worn against the skin, usually under other clothing, to absorb sweat.
sweat␣shirt n. Alternative spelling of sweatshirt.
THWARTINGSthwartings n. Plural of thwarting.
THWARTING n. the act of thwarting.
THWARTWISEthwartwise adj. (Archaic) Athwart; from side to side; across.
thwartwise adv. (Archaic) Athwart; from side to side; across.
THWARTWISE adv. crosswise; from side to side, also THWARTWAYS.
WATERTIGHTwatertight adj. So tightly made that water cannot enter or escape.
watertight adj. (Figurative) So devised or planned as to be impossible to defeat, evade or nullify.
WATERTIGHT adj. so well-sealed as not to admit water or let it escape.
WHITEWATERwhitewater n. Alternative spelling of white water.
Whitewater prop.n. A census-designated place in Riverside County, California, United States.
white␣water n. Any turbulent or frothy water as found in river rapids or surf.
WHITTAWERSwhittawers n. Plural of whittawer.
WHITTAWER n. (dialect) a saddler or harness-maker; a maker of white leather, also WHITTAW.
WITCHCRAFTwitchcraft n. The practice of witches; magic, sorcery, or the use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events.
witchcraft n. Something, such as an advanced technology, that seems almost magical.
WITCHCRAFT n. the use of sorcery or magic.
WREATHIESTWREATHY adj. like a wreath.
WRISTWATCHwristwatch n. A watch that is worn on a strap or band fastened around the wrist.
wrist␣watch n. Alternative form of wristwatch.
WRISTWATCH n. a small watch that is attached to a bracelet or strap and is worn around the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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