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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, H, I, O, 2R and T

ARTHRODIAEARTHRODIA n. in zoology, a joint.
ARTHRODIALarthrodial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to arthrodia or to an arthrosis.
ARTHRODIAL adj. relating to arthrodia, a joint.
AUTHORISERauthoriser n. Alternative form of authorizer.
AUTHORISER n. one who authorises, also AUTHORIZER.
AUTHORIZERauthorizer n. One who, or that which, authorizes.
AUTHORIZER n. one who authorises, also AUTHORISER.
BRACHIATORbrachiator n. Any creature that moves by means of brachiation.
BRACHIATOR n. an animal, such as a gibbon, that progresses by brachiation.
CHARIOTEERcharioteer n. A person who drives a chariot.
charioteer v. (Intransitive) To drive a chariot.
charioteer v. (Transitive) To drive someone in a chariot.
CHITARRONEchitarrone n. Synonym of theorbo.
CHITARRONE n. (Italian) a large lute-like instrument with a long neck, aka theorbo.
CHITARRONICHITARRONE n. (Italian) a large lute-like instrument with a long neck, aka theorbo.
HARLOTRIESharlotries n. Plural of harlotry.
HARLOTRY n. the behaviour of a harlot.
HIBERNATORhibernator n. Something that hibernates.
HIBERNATOR n. one who hibernates.
HIEROCRATShierocrats n. Plural of hierocrat.
HIEROCRAT n. a governing priest.
HIEROLATRYhierolatry n. The worship of saints.
HIEROLATRY n. worship of saints or sacred things.
HOVERTRAINhovertrain n. A train that uses hovercraft technology to take advantage of lower friction to deliver high speeds; an aerotrain.
HOVERTRAIN n. a train that moves supported by a cushion of air, like a hovercraft.
ORCHARDISTorchardist n. One who owns or operates an orchard.
ORCHARDIST n. one who cultivates an orchard.
ORTHOREXIAorthorexia n. (Psychology) A fixation with healthy or righteous eating.
ORTHOREXIA n. an eating disorder characterized by excessive focus on eating healthy foods.
PARROTFISHparrotfish n. Any of several tropical marine fish of the family Scaridae known for their beak-like mass of teeth used…
PARROTFISH n. a brightly coloured tropical fish, having parrot-like jaws.
RHETORICALrhetorical adj. Part of or similar to rhetoric, the use of language as a means to persuade.
rhetorical adj. Not earnest, or presented only for the purpose of an argument.
rhetorical n. (Education, dated) A study or exercise in rhetoric.
SHORTHAIRSshorthairs n. Plural of shorthair.
short␣hairs n. (Idiomatic, slang) Pubic hair.
SHORTHAIR n. a breed of domestic cat with a short thick coat.
TRICHROMATtrichromat n. One who has trichromatic vision; one whose vision exhibits trichromacy; one who can distinguish three primary colors.
TRICHROMAT n. someone who has normal colour vision.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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