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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, H, 2I, N, S and U

ANGUISHINGanguishing v. Present participle of anguish.
anguishing n. A feeling or expression of anguish.
ANGUISH v. to suffer extreme pain.
CHAUVINISMchauvinism n. (Derogatory) Excessive patriotism, eagerness for national superiority; jingoism.
chauvinism n. (Derogatory) Unwarranted bias, favoritism, or devotion to one’s own particular group, cause, or idea.
CHAUVINISM n. excessive or blind patriotism.
CHAUVINISTchauvinist adj. Pertaining to chauvinism.
chauvinist adj. (Derogatory) Chauvinistic; excessively patriotic or heavily biased.
chauvinist n. (Derogatory) A chauvinistic person.
GUARISHINGguarishing v. Present participle of guarish.
GUARISH v. (obsolete) to cure, heal, also GARISH.
HUMANISINGhumanising v. Present participle of humanise.
HUMANISE v. to make human, also HUMANIZE.
HUMANISTIChumanistic adj. Of or pertaining to humanism.
HUMANISTIC adj. relating to humanism.
HUMANITIEShumanities n. Plural of humanity.
humanities n. (Obsolete) Synonym of classical studies: the study of Ancient Greek and Latin, their literature, etc.
humanities n. The study of language, literature, the arts, history, and philosophy, sometimes including religion.
INHAUSTINGinhausting v. Present participle of inhaust.
INHAUST v. to drink in.
LISIANTHUSlisianthus n. Eustoma grandiflorum, now Eustoma exaltatum subsp. russellianum, a flowering plant.
PICAYUNISHpicayunish adj. Petty; paltry; mean.
PICAYUNISH adj. petty, paltry.
PUSCHKINIApuschkinia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Puschkinia of bulbous perennials in the family Asparagaceae.
PUSCHKINIA n. (Russian) a genus of spring-flowering bulbous plants native to western Asia.
RUFFIANISHruffianish adj. Having the qualities or manners of a ruffian.
RUFFIANISH adj. having the qualities of a ruffian.
UINTAHITESuintahites n. Plural of uintahite.
UINTAHITE n. a tar-like asphalt found in the Uinta valley, Utah, also UINTAITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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