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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, H, 2I, M and 2S

ABSINTHISMabsinthism n. The condition of being poisoned by the excessive use of absinthe.
ABSINTHISM n. a disease resembling alcoholism.
HEMIOPSIASHEMIOPSIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPIA, HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPIA.
HETAIRISMSHETAIRISM n. concubinage; a system of communal marriage, also HETAERISM.
HISPANISMSHispanisms n. Plural of Hispanism.
HISPANISM n. a movement asserting the cultural unity of Spain and Latin America, also HISPANIDAD.
HISTAMINEShistamines n. Plural of histamine.
HISTAMINE n. a base used in medicine obtained from ergot and present in all the tissues of the body, also HISTAMIN.
ISCHAEMIASischaemias n. Plural of ischaemia.
ischæmias n. Plural of ischæmia.
ISCHAEMIA n. an inadequate flow of blood to part of the body, also ISCHEMIA.
ISOCHASMICisochasmic adj. Indicating equal auroral display.
ISOCHASMIC adj. indicating equal auroral display; as, an isochasmic line.
ISOCHIMALSISOCHIMAL n. an isochimal line, also ISOCHEIMAL.
MACHINISTSmachinists n. Plural of machinist.
MACHINIST n. a person who operates machines to cut or process materials.
MAHARISHISmaharishis n. Plural of maharishi.
MAHARISHI n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu teacher of mysticism and spiritual knowledge.
MISSHAPINGmisshaping v. Present participle of misshape.
MISSHAPE v. (Spenser) to shape badly.
PHARISAISMpharisaism n. The doctrines and practices, or the character and spirit, of the Pharisees.
pharisaism n. (Chiefly Christianity) Rigid observance of external forms of religion without genuine piety; hypocrisy…
Pharisaism n. Alternative letter-case form of pharisaism.
SCHISMATICschismatic adj. (Religion) Of or pertaining to a schism.
schismatic adj. (Music) Of or pertaining to a schisma.
schismatic adj. Divisive.
SHAMOISINGSHAMOIS v. to clean with this.
SINARCHISMsinarchism n. Alternative form of Sinarquism.
Sinarchism n. Alternative form of Sinarquism.
SINARCHISM n. the fascist movement in Mexico, prominent around the time of the Second World War, also SINARQUISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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