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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, H, 2I, M, O and P

AMPHIBIOUSamphibious adj. Capable of functioning on land or in water.
amphibious adj. Occurring on both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUS adj. adapted for both land and water.
AMPHIBOLICamphibolic adj. Of, pertaining to or exhibiting amphiboly; ambiguous; equivocal.
amphibolic adj. (Geology) Of, resembling or containing the mineral amphibole.
AMPHIBOLIC adj. able to turn both backwards and forwards; double-jointed.
AMPHIGORICamphigoric adj. Nonsensical; absurd; pertaining to an amphigory.
AMPHIGORIC adj. relating to amphigory, a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody.
AMPHIGOURIAMPHIGOURI n. a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody, also AMPHIGORY.
AMPHIPLOIDamphiploid adj. (Genetics) Having at least one diploid set of chromosomes from each parent species.
amphiploid n. (Genetics) Any organism having at least one diploid set of chromosomes from each parent species.
AMPHIPLOID n. having at least one set of diploid chromosomes derived from each parent species.
HAEMOPHILISorry, definition not available.
HEMIANOPIAhemianopia n. (Ophthalmology) Alternative form of hemianopsia.
HEMIANOPIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPIA, HEMIOPSIA.
HEMIANOPIChemianopic adj. Alternative form of hemianopsic.
HEMIANOPIC adj. having or relating to hemianopia, also HEMIANOPTIC, HEMIOPIC.
HEMIOPSIASHEMIOPSIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPIA, HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPIA.
HEMOPHILIAhemophilia n. US standard spelling of haemophilia.
HEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly damaged.
HIPPOCAMPIhippocampi n. Plural of hippocampus.
HIPPOCAMPUS n. one of two ridges along each lateral ventricle of the brain.
HYPOLIMNIAhypolimnia n. Plural of hypolimnion.
HYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
PHIALIFORMphialiform adj. Shaped like a phial.
PHIALIFORM adj. saucer-shaped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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