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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, 2S, T and U

ASSAULTINGassaulting v. Present participle of assault.
ASSAULT v. to attack.
FASTIGIUMSFASTIGIUM n. (Latin) the apex of a building; a gable-end; a pediment.
FRUGALISTSfrugalists n. Plural of frugalist.
FRUGALIST n. a person who is frugal.
FUNGISTATSfungistats n. Plural of fungistat.
FUNGISTAT n. a substance that inhibits the growth of a fungus.
FUSTIGATESfustigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fustigate.
FUSTIGATE v. (obsolete) to beat with a club.
GRASSQUITSgrassquits n. Plural of grassquit.
GRASSQUIT n. a tropical American finch.
GUITARISTSguitarists n. Plural of guitarist.
GUITARIST n. one who plays the guitar.
GUSTATIONSgustations n. Plural of gustation.
GUSTATION n. the act of tasting.
OUTGASSINGoutgassing v. Present participle of outgas.
outgassing n. The slow release of gas from a solid or liquid; especially the release of gases into the atmosphere of a planet.
out-gassing v. Present participle of out-gas.
OUTPASSINGoutpassing v. Present participle of outpass.
OUTPASS v. to excel in passing in football.
SAWDUSTINGsawdusting v. Present participle of sawdust.
SAWDUST v. to sprinkle with the residue produced from sawing wood.
SIGNATURESsignatures n. Plural of signature.
SIGNATURE n. a signing, a signed name.
SITATUNGASsitatungas n. Plural of sitatunga.
SITATUNGA n. (Swahili) a species of African antelope, also SITUTUNGA.
SITUTUNGASsitutungas n. Plural of situtunga.
SITUTUNGA n. (Swahili) a species of African antelope, also SITATUNGA.
SQUATTINGSsquattings n. Plural of squatting.
SQUATTING n. the act of sitting on the heels.
SUFFRAGISTsuffragist n. A person who promotes suffrage.
suffragist n. One who votes.
SUFFRAGIST n. one who possesses or exercises the political right of suffrage.
SUSTAININGsustaining v. Present participle of sustain.
sustaining n. The process by which something is sustained or upheld.
sustaining adj. That sustains, supports or provides sustenance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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