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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, G, I, 2N, T and V

ENERVATINGenervating v. Present participle of enervate.
enervating adj. That enervates.
ENERVATE v. to weaken, to debilitate.
ENVAULTINGenvaulting v. Present participle of envault.
ENVAULT v. to enclose in a vault.
INNOVATINGinnovating v. Present participle of innovate.
INNOVATE v. to introduce something new.
INVAGINATEinvaginate adj. (Biology) sheathed.
invaginate adj. (Biology) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion.
invaginate v. (Medicine, surgery) To fold up or enclose into a sheath-like or pouch-like structure, either naturally…
INVIGORANTinvigorant n. Something that invigorates.
invigorant adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of invigorating.
INVIGORANT n. an invigorating agent.
INVOCATINGinvocating v. Present participle of invocate.
INVOCATE v. to appeal to for help, also INVOKE.
NAVIGATINGnavigating v. Present participle of navigate.
NAVIGATE v. to conduct and manage a course.
NAVIGATIONnavigation n. (Uncountable) The theory, practice and technology of charting a course for a ship, aircraft or spaceship…
navigation n. (Uncountable) Traffic or travel by vessel, especially commercial shipping.
navigation n. (Countable) A canal.
NEGATIVINGnegativing v. Present participle of negative.
NEGATIVE v. to disprove, make ineffective.
NONVINTAGEnonvintage adj. Not vintage: recent.
nonvintage adj. (Wine) Not a vintage wine: not made from grapes harvested during a single year.
nonvintage n. A wine that is not a vintage wine.
PROVANTINGprovanting v. Present participle of provant.
PROVANT v. (obsolete) to supply with provisions.
RENOVATINGrenovating v. Present participle of renovate.
RENOVATE v. to make like new.
SERVANTINGservanting v. Present participle of servant.
SERVANT v. to act as servant.
UNACTIVINGUNACTIVE v. to make (a person) inactive.
UNNATIVINGUNNATIVE v. to no longer be a native or inhabitant of a place or country.
VAUNTINGLYvauntingly adv. So as to vaunt; with boastful display.
VAUNTING adv. boastful.
VENENATINGvenenating v. Present participle of venenate.
VENENATE v. to poison.
VENERATINGvenerating v. Present participle of venerate.
VENERATE v. to revere.
VINTAGINGSvintagings n. Plural of vintaging.
VINTAGING n. gathering grapes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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