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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, G, H, I, M, O and R

ALGORITHMSalgorithms n. Plural of algorithm.
ALGORITHM n. a step-by-step procedure for solving a particular problem or set of problems.
AMPHIGORICamphigoric adj. Nonsensical; absurd; pertaining to an amphigory.
AMPHIGORIC adj. relating to amphigory, a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody.
AMPHIGOURIAMPHIGOURI n. a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody, also AMPHIGORY.
CAMWHORINGcamwhoring n. (Internet slang) The activities of a camwhore: shamelessly exhibitionistic webcam use.
camwhoring v. Present participle of camwhore.
CAMWHORE v. to perform sexual or titillating acts in front of a webcam for the gratification of online customers in return for money or gifts.
HARMDOINGSHARMDOING n. the doing of harm.
HELIOGRAMSheliograms n. Plural of heliogram.
HELIOGRAM n. a message sent by reflecting the sun's rays with a mirror.
HIEROGRAMShierograms n. Plural of hierogram.
HIEROGRAM n. a sacred or hieroglyphic symbol.
HISTOGRAMShistograms n. Plural of histogram.
HISTOGRAM n. a diagram consisting of a number of rectangles or lines drawn (usually upwards) from a base line, their heights representing frequencies of a series of values (or value-ranges) of a quantity.
HOMORGANIChomorganic adj. (Phonetics) Of consonants: having the same place of articulation. For example, labial m, b, p, alveolar…
homorganic adj. (Medicine) produced by the same or homologous organs.
homorganic n. (Phonetics) A consonant having the same place of articulation as another.
HORMOGONIAhormogonia n. Plural of hormogonium.
HORMOGONIUM n. a portion of a filament in many cyanobacteria that becomes detached as a reproductive body.
LITHOMARGElithomarge n. Kaolinite.
LITHOMARGE n. a clay of a fine smooth texture, and very sectile.
LOGARITHMSlogarithms n. Plural of logarithm.
LOGARITHM n. a mathematical operation used esp. before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division.
MICROGRAPHmicrograph n. An image such as a photograph that presents the microscopic at a macroscopic scale; an image produced…
micrograph n. A pantograph instrument for executing minute writing or engraving.
micrograph v. To produce such an image by micrography.
MICROPHAGEmicrophage n. (Biology) A small phagocyte, especially a polymorphonuclear leucocyte (a granulocyte).
MICROPHAGE n. a small phagocyte.
MIMEOGRAPHmimeograph n. (Historical) A machine for making printed copies using typed stencil, eventually superseded by photocopying.
mimeograph v. To make mimeograph copies.
MIMEOGRAPH n. (tradename) an autographic stencil copying device invented by Edison.
MIMOGRAPHYmimography n. (Archaic) The art of writing sign language by means of pictorial symbols constituting ideographs.
MIMOGRAPHY n. the writing of mimes.
MYOGRAPHICmyographic adj. Pertaining to myography.
MYOGRAPHIC adj. relating to myography, the description of muscles, also MYOGRAPHICAL.
WHIGGAMOREWhiggamore n. (Derogatory, archaic) A Whig.
WHIGGAMORE n. (Scots) a Whig; a cant term applied in contempt to Scotch Presbyterians.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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