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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, F, I, 2R, T and U

BREADFRUITbreadfruit n. An evergreen tree, Artocarpus altilis, native to islands of the east Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean.
breadfruit n. The large round fruit of this tree.
BREADFRUIT n. a fruit found in the Pacific.
FIORATURAEFIORATURA n. (Italian) a florid embellishment introduced into a melody by a singer or player, also FIORITURA.
FRACTURINGfracturing v. Present participle of fracture.
fracturing n. The act by which something is fractured.
FRACTURE v. to break.
FRUITARIANfruitarian n. A variant of vegetarian who intends to be limited to eating only such parts of plants whose consumption…
FRUITARIAN n. a person who lives on fruit.
GRAPEFRUITgrapefruit n. The tree of the species Citrus paradisi, a hybrid of pomelo (Citrus maxima) and sweet orange.
grapefruit n. The large spherical tart fruit produced by this tree.
GRAPEFRUIT n. a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes.
NITROFURANnitrofuran n. A class of drug, derived from furan, used to inhibit bacterial growth.
NITROFURAN n. any of several furan derivatives used as bacteria-inhibiting agents.
STARFRUITSstarfruits n. Plural of starfruit.
star␣fruits n. Plural of star fruit.
STARFRUIT n. a flower, the Star of Bethlehem.
TRIFARIOUStrifarious adj. (Botany) Facing three ways; arranged in three vertical ranks, like the leaves of veratrum.
TRIFARIOUS adj. facing three ways.
TRIFURCATEtrifurcate adj. Forked, with three tines or points.
trifurcate v. To divide or fork into three channels or branches.
TRIFURCATE adj. divided into three forks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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