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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, F, I, N, R and 2T

FILTRATINGfiltrating v. Present participle of filtrate.
FILTRATE v. to filter.
FILTRATIONfiltration n. The act or process of filtering; the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it.
filtration n. (Mathematics, set theory, probability theory) A totally ordered collection of subsets.
FILTRATION n. the act of filtering.
FLATTERINGflattering adj. Attractive or good-looking; that makes one look good.
flattering adj. Gratifying to one’s self-esteem; complimentary.
flattering adj. (Of an image etc.) That which represents too favorably.
FLIRTATIONflirtation n. Playing at courtship; coquetry.
flirtation n. An instance of flirting.
flirtation n. A period of experimentation with or interest in a particular idea or activity.
FORMATTINGformatting n. The visual style of a document, including fonts, borders, etc.
formatting n. The code in a markup language which determines a document’s format.
formatting v. Present participle of format.
FRATERNITYfraternity n. The quality of being brothers or brotherly; brotherhood.
fraternity n. A group of people associated for a common purpose.
fraternity n. (US) A social organization of male students at a college or university; usually identified by Greek letters.
FRONTALITYfrontality n. (Art) The quality or state of being frontal.
FRONTALITY n. the state of being frontal.
INFILTRATEinfiltrate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access to.
infiltrate v. (Transitive) To cause to penetrate in this way.
infiltrate v. (Transitive, intransitive, of a liquid) To pass through something by filtration.
INTERFAITHinterfaith adj. Involving members of different religions.
INTERFAITH adj. between faiths.
INTERGRAFTintergraft v. (Transitive) To graft each upon the other.
INTERGRAFT v. to graft between.
REFUTATIONrefutation n. An act of refuting or disproving; the disproving of an argument, opinion, testimony, doctrine or theory…
refutation n. (Proscribed) A vocal answer to an attack on one’s assertions.
REFUTATION n. the act of refuting.
STANDFIRSTstandfirst n. (UK, journalism) Explanatory text under the main heading of a news article, smaller than the heading…
STANDFIRST n. an introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarizes the article.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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