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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, F, 2I, 2N and R

CARNIFYINGcarnifying v. Present participle of carnify.
CARNIFY v. to form flesh; to become like flesh.
FINANCIERSfinanciers n. Plural of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
FINGERNAILfingernail n. The hard, flat translucent covering near the tip of a human finger, useful for scratching and fine manipulation.
finger␣nail n. Alternative form of fingernail.
FINGERNAIL n. the nail of a finger.
FRANCISINGFRANCISE v. (Canadian) to make or become French-speaking, also FRANCIZE.
FRANCIZINGfrancizing v. Present participle of francize.
FRANCIZE v. (Canadian) to make or become French-speaking, also FRANCISE.
FRANGIPANIfrangipani n. Any of several tropical American shrubs and trees of the genus Plumeria, having fragrant, showy, funnel-shaped…
frangipani n. A perfume obtained from this plant or imitating the odour of its flowers.
frangipani n. Alternative form of frangipane (“cream made from ground almonds; pastry filled with this cream”).
INFANTRIESinfantries n. Plural of infantry.
INFANTRY n. soldiers marching and fighting on foot.
INFARCTIONinfarction n. (Pathology) The process which causes an infarct.
infarction n. (Pathology) An infarct (an area of ischemic necrosis)..
INFARCTION n. necrosis, the death of tissues due to the blocking of (esp. the arterial) blood supply.
INFINITARYinfinitary adj. (Mathematics, logic) Of or pertaining to expressions of infinite length.
INFINITARY adj. relating to infinity.
INFRACTINGinfracting v. Present participle of infract.
INFRACT v. to break a legal rule.
INFRACTIONinfraction n. (Law) A minor offence, petty crime.
infraction n. A violation; breach.
infraction n. (Ice hockey) A major violation of rules which leads to a penalty, if detected by the referee.
INFRASONICinfrasonic adj. (Of sound waves, acoustics) Having frequencies below the human audible range.
infrasonic adj. (Of a device) Generating or employing such sound waves.
INFRASONIC adj. having or relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear.
INFUSORIANinfusorian n. Any member of the infusoria.
INFUSORIAN n. an obsolete term for small aquatic organisms, rotifers, algae etc.
INGRAFTINGingrafting v. Present participle of ingraft.
INGRAFT v. (Shakespeare) to graft for propagation, also ENGRAFT.
REFRAININGrefraining v. Present participle of refrain.
refraining n. The act of one who refrains from doing something.
REFRAIN v. to keep oneself from action.
RUFFIANINGruffianing v. Present participle of ruffian.
RUFFIAN v. to behave like a tough, lawless person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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