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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, F, H, 2I, S and T

BAITFISHESbaitfishes n. Plural of baitfish.
BAITFISH n. a fish used as bait.
CATFISHINGcatfishing v. Present participle of catfish (“to fish for catfish”).
catfishing v. Present participle of catfish (“to create and operate a fake online profile”).
CATFISH v. to create a false identity on social media in order to lure someone into establishing a relationship.
CHAIRLIFTSchairlifts n. Plural of chairlift.
chair␣lifts n. Plural of chair lift.
CHAIRLIFT n. a series of chairs on an endless cable for carrying passengers up a mountain etc.
CHIEFTAINSchieftains n. Plural of chieftain.
CHIEFTAIN n. the head of a clan; a leader or commander.
FASHIONISTfashionist n. (Archaic) An obsequious follower of fashion.
FASHIONIST n. a follower or setter of fashion, also FASHIONISTA.
FISHTAILEDfishtailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fishtail.
FISHTAIL v. to swing the tail of a moving vehicle from side to side.
GUITARFISHguitarfish n. Any ray in the family Rhinobatidae.
GUITARFISH n. a kind of ray, somewhat guitar-like in shape.
INTIFADAHSintifadahs n. Plural of intifadah.
INTIFADAH n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADA, INTIFADEH.
INTIFADEHSintifadehs n. Plural of intifadeh.
INTIFADEH n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADA, INTIFADAH.
RABBITFISHrabbitfish n. Any fish in the family Siganidae, native to shallow Indo-Pacific coastal waters and introduced to the…
rabbitfish n. Any fish in the family Chimaeridae, cartilaginous fish in the order Chimaeriformes.
RABBITFISH n. a type of herring, or other fish thought to resemble a rabbit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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