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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, F, G, 2I, T and U

FASTIGIUMSFASTIGIUM n. (Latin) the apex of a building; a gable-end; a pediment.
FIGURATIONfiguration n. The act of giving figure or determinate form.
figuration n. Form, outline or boundaries.
figuration n. Ornamentation or decoration, especially by the addition of figures.
FIGURATIVEfigurative adj. Of use as a metaphor, simile, metonym or other figure of speech, as opposed to literal; using figures;…
figurative adj. Metaphorically so called.
figurative adj. With many figures of speech.
FLAGITIOUSflagitious adj. (Literary) Guilty of terrible crimes; wicked, criminal.
flagitious adj. (Literary) Extremely brutal or wicked; heinous, monstrous.
FLAGITIOUS adj. marked by scandalous crime or vice; villainous.
FUGACITIESfugacities n. Plural of fugacity.
FUGACITY n. lack of enduring qualities.
FUGITATIONfugitation n. (Scotland, law) The act of absconding from justice; outlawry.
FUGITATION n. in Scots law, absconding from justice.
FUMIGATINGfumigating v. Present participle of fumigate.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
FUMIGATIONfumigation n. The act of fumigating, or applying smoke or vapor, as for disinfection.
fumigation n. Vapor raised in the process of fumigating.
FUMIGATION n. the act of fumigating.
GUITARFISHguitarfish n. Any ray in the family Rhinobatidae.
GUITARFISH n. a kind of ray, somewhat guitar-like in shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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