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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, E, Q, R, 2T and U

ACQUITTERSacquitters n. Plural of acquitter.
ACQUITTER n. one who acquits.
AQUATINTERaquatinter n. An artist who makes aquatints.
AQUATINTER n. one who works with aquatints.
BARQUETTESbarquettes n. Plural of barquette.
BARQUETTE n. (French) a small barque.
PARQUETTEDparquetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of parquette.
PARQUET v. (French) to cover a floor with an inlaid design.
QUARTETTESquartettes n. Plural of quartette.
QUARTETTE n. a set of four; a composition for four voices or instruments, also QUARTET, QUARTETT, QUARTETTO.
QUARTZIESTquartziest adj. Superlative form of quartzy: most quartzy.
QUARTZY adj. like quartz.
QUARTZITESquartzites n. Plural of quartzite.
QUARTZITE n. a metamorphosed sandstone.
QUATERNATEquaternate adj. Composed of, or arranged in, sets of four.
QUATERNATE adj. in sets of four.
QUATERNITYquaternity n. (Countable) A group or set of four.
quaternity n. (Uncountable) The state of being four.
QUATERNITY n. fourness; any group of four things.
SQUATTEREDSQUATTER v. (dialect) to splash water about, also SWATTER.
TRIQUETRAEtriquetrae n. Plural of triquetra.
TRIQUETRA n. (Latin) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.
TRIQUETRALtriquetral adj. Three-cornered.
triquetral n. (Anatomy) The triquetral bone.
TRIQUETRAL adj. triangular; three-edged with concave faces, also TRIQUETROUS.
TRIQUETRAStriquetras n. Plural of triquetra.
TRIQUETRA n. (Latin) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.
ULTRAQUIETultraquiet adj. Extremely quiet.
ULTRAQUIET adj. very very quiet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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