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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2O, P and 2T

APOSTOLATEapostolate n. The office, or responsibilities of an apostle.
apostolate n. A group of people that exists for the spreading of religious doctrine.
APOSTOLATE n. the office of an apostle.
COOPTATIVEcooptative adj. Relating to the process of co-opting, or electing as a fellow member of a group.
co-optative adj. Alternative form of cooptative.
COOPTATIVE adj. relating to cooptation.
FOOTPLATESfootplates n. Plural of footplate.
FOOTPLATE n. a platform for a footplateman, an assistant to a train driver.
ORTHOPTERAorthoptera n. Any of very many four-winged insects, of the order Orthoptera, such as grasshoppers, crickets and locusts.
Orthoptera prop.n. A taxonomic order within the superorder Polyneoptera – various insects including crickets, grasshoppers…
ORTHOPTERON n. any member of the Orthoptera, an order of mandibulate insects, also ORTHOPTERAN.
OSTEOPATHSosteopaths n. Plural of osteopath.
OSTEOPATH n. a practitioner of osteopathy, also OSTEOPATHIST.
OSTEOPATHYosteopathy n. (Alternative medicine) The branch of therapy based on manipulation of bones and muscles.
osteopathy n. (Rare) Any disease of the bones.
OSTEOPATHY n. a system of healing or treatment consisting largely of manipulation of the bones, and massage.
PANZEROTTOpanzerotto n. A type of large ravioli made from pizza dough, filled with various ingredients such as ricotta (or mozzarella)…
PANZEROTTO n. (Canadian) a baked turnover with a folded, sealed pocket containing tomato, cheese, and sometimes other fillings.
PHOTOTAXESphototaxes n. Plural of phototaxis.
PHOTOTAXIS n. growth or movement determined by light.
PORTAMENTOportamento n. (Music) A smooth, gliding transition from one note to another; used especially with stringed instruments…
PORTAMENTO n. (Italian) in singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another.
PROTONATEDprotonated v. Simple past tense and past participle of protonate.
PROTONATE v. to acquire an additional proton.
PROTONATESprotonates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of protonate.
PROTONATE v. to acquire an additional proton.
SMOOTHPATESMOOTHPATE n. (archaic) a bald person.
SOMATOTYPEsomatotype n. A particular type of physique; originally, one of the types defined by William Herbert Sheldon: ectomorphic…
somatotype v. (Transitive) To classify (a person) by physical build.
SOMATOTYPE n. a type consisting of a physical build paired with a particular temperament.
STATOSCOPEstatoscope n. An instrument used for indicating or recording small changes in barometric pressure or in the altitude of an aircraft.
STATOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure.
TOOTHPASTEtoothpaste n. A paste, normally used with a toothbrush, for cleaning the teeth.
TOOTHPASTE n. a paste for cleaning the teeth.
TOPAZOLITEtopazolite n. (Mineralogy) A yellowish form of andradite.
TOPAZOLITE n. a topaz-yellow variety of garnet.
TROPOTAXEStropotaxes n. Plural of tropotaxis.
TROPOTAXIS n. a taxis in which an organism orients itself by the simultaneous comparison of stimuli of different intensity operating on different end organs.
VAPORETTOSvaporettos n. Plural of vaporetto.
VAPORETTO n. (Italian) a motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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