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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2N, O and 2R

ENARRATIONenarration n. (Obsolete) A detailed exposition; relation.
ENARRATION n. (archaic) a detailed exposition.
ENGARRISONengarrison v. (Transitive) To garrison; to put in garrison, or to protect by a garrison.
ENGARRISON v. to garrison; to protect by a garrison.
INTERORGANinterorgan adj. (Medicine) Between organs.
INTERORGAN adj. between organs.
MAINPERNORmainpernor n. (Law) A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner’s appearance in court at a day.
MAINPERNOR n. one who gives mainprise, surety for the appearance of a prisoner at trial.
NARROWNESSnarrowness n. (Uncountable) the state of being narrow.
narrowness n. (Countable) a constriction.
NARROWNESS n. the state of being narrow.
NONADMIRERnonadmirer n. One who is not an admirer.
NONADMIRER n. one who does not admire something or someone.
NONCARRIERnoncarrier n. A person who is not a carrier (Of a disease etc.).
NONCARRIER n. someone who does not carry (a genetic disease).
NONFARMERSnonfarmers n. Plural of nonfarmer.
NONFARMER n. someone who is not a farmer.
NONREACTORnonreactor n. Someone who cannot react; one who does not react.
NONREACTOR n. someone who does not react.
NONREADERSnonreaders n. Plural of nonreader.
NONREADER n. one who is not a reader.
NONSTARTERnonstarter n. A project that has no chance of success.
nonstarter n. A horse that does not run in a race for which it has been entered.
nonstarter n. A loser; a person who is bound to fail.
ORNAMENTERornamenter n. One who ornaments; a decorator.
ORNAMENTER n. one who makes ornaments, also ORNAMENTIST.
RAISONNEURraisonneur n. (Literature) A person in a play or book embodying an author’s viewpoint.
RAISONNEUR n. (French) a person in a play or book embodying the author's viewpoint.
READORNINGreadorning v. Present participle of readorn.
READORN v. to adorn again.
RESNATRONSresnatrons n. Plural of resnatron.
RESNATRON n. a high-power, high-frequency tetrode.
ROADRUNNERroadrunner n. Either of two species of fast-running bird in the genus Geococcyx of the cuckoo family native to North…
ROADRUNNER n. a bird of the turkey family, aka the chaparral cock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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