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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, E, 3N, S and T

ANNEXMENTSannexments n. Plural of annexment.
ANNEXMENT n. the act of annexing, or the thing annexed.
ANNULMENTSannulments n. Plural of annulment.
ANNULMENT n. the act of annulling.
ANTENNULESantennules n. Plural of antennule.
ANTENNULE n. one of a first or smaller pair of antennae in crustaceans.
ANTIVENINSantivenins n. Plural of antivenin.
ANTIVENIN n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENOM.
CONNASCENTconnascent adj. Born together; produced at the same time.
CONNASCENT adj. born together; produced at the same time.
INNATENESSinnateness n. The condition of being innate.
INNATENESS n. the quality of being innate.
INTENDANTSintendants n. Plural of intendant.
INTENDANT n. one who has the charge, direction, or management of some public business.
NONNATIVESnonnatives n. Plural of nonnative.
non-natives n. Plural of non-native.
NONNATIVE n. one who is not a native.
NONPARENTSnonparents n. Plural of nonparent.
NONPARENT n. one who is not a parent.
PENSIONNATPENSIONNAT n. (French) a boarding-school.
TRANSENNAStransennas n. Plural of transenna.
TRANSENNA n. (Latin) a screen enclosing a shrine.
UNCANNIESTuncanniest adj. Superlative form of uncanny: most uncanny.
UNCANNY adj. strange and inexplicable.
WANTONNESSwantonness n. (Uncountable) The state or characteristic of being wanton; recklessness, especially as represented in…
wantonness n. (Countable, dated) A particular wanton act.
WANTONNESS n. the state of being wanton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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