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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, E, 3N, R and U

ANNOUNCERSannouncers n. Plural of announcer.
ANNOUNCER n. one who announces.
ANTENNULARantennular adj. (Zoology) of or relating to antennules or an antennule.
ANTENNULAR adj. of or like an antennule.
ENRAUNGINGENRAUNGE v. (Spenser) to arrange; to rove over, also ENRANGE.
NONNUCLEARnonnuclear adj. Not having nuclear weapons.
nonnuclear adj. (Of weapons) Not carrying a nuclear warhead; conventional.
NONNUCLEAR adj. not nuclear.
PENANNULARpenannular adj. Forming an almost complete ring, but with a break or opening.
PENANNULAR adj. in the form of an almost complete ring.
RENUNCIANTrenunciant n. A person who renounces something; especially, someone who renounces worldly life for spiritual reasons…
renunciant adj. That renounces; renouncing.
SUPERNANNYsupernanny n. A remarkably capable and energetic nanny.
SUPERNANNY n. an expert who advises parents on how to deal with badly-behaved children.
UNLEARNINGunlearning v. Present participle of unlearn.
unlearning n. The process by which something is unlearned.
UNLEARN v. to put out of one's memory.
UNMANNEREDunmannered adj. Having poor manners or social skills; ill-mannered; rude.
UNMANNERED adj. marked by a lack of good manners.
UNMANNERLYunmannerly adj. (Also figuratively) Not mannerly (“polite; having good manners”).
unmannerly adv. (Archaic) In a way that is not mannerly; discourteously, rudely.
UNMANNERLY adj. not mannerly.
UNPREGNANTunpregnant adj. Not pregnant.
UNPREGNANT adj. (Shakespeare) stupid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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