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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, E, M, O, P and 2T

ARMIPOTENTarmipotent adj. (Obsolete) Powerful in battle.
armipotent n. (Poetic, archaic) A powerful combatant.
ARMIPOTENT adj. (archaic) having strong weapons; militarily potent.
ASYMPTOTESasymptotes n. Plural of asymptote.
ASYMPTOTE n. a line (usually straight) that continually approaches a curve but never meets it.
COMPACTESTcompactest adj. Superlative form of compact: most compact.
COMPACT adj. closely fitted together.
HEPATOMATAhepatomata n. Plural of hepatoma.
HEPATOMA n. a tumor on the liver.
IMPETRATORimpetrator n. One who impetrates.
IMPETRATOR n. one who impetrates, obtains by entreaty.
PALMETTOESpalmettoes n. Plural of palmetto.
PALMETTO n. (Spanish) any of various usually small and sometimes stemless fan palms.
PENTATOMICpentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five atoms in each molecule.
pentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.
PENTATOMIC adj. having five atoms in the molecule.
PETROLATUMpetrolatum n. Petroleum jelly.
PETROLATUM n. petroleum jelly.
PORTAMENTIportamenti n. Plural of portamento.
PORTAMENTO n. (Italian) in singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another.
PORTAMENTOportamento n. (Music) A smooth, gliding transition from one note to another; used especially with stringed instruments…
PORTAMENTO n. (Italian) in singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another.
PORTMANTLEportmantle n. Obsolete form of portmanteau.
PORTMANTLE n. (obsolete) a portmanteau, also PORTMANTEAU, PORTMANTUA.
POSTMASTERpostmaster n. The head of a post office.
postmaster n. (Internet) The administrator of an electronic mail system.
postmaster n. (Britain) A kind of scholar at Merton College, Oxford; portionist.
SMOOTHPATESMOOTHPATE n. (archaic) a bald person.
SOMATOTYPEsomatotype n. A particular type of physique; originally, one of the types defined by William Herbert Sheldon: ectomorphic…
somatotype v. (Transitive) To classify (a person) by physical build.
SOMATOTYPE n. a type consisting of a physical build paired with a particular temperament.
TAPOTEMENTtapotement n. (Massage) A form of massage involving hitting the body with various parts of one’s hand.
TAPOTEMENT n. (French) the use of light taps in massage.
TEMPORALTYtemporalty n. (Obsolete) The laity; secular people.
temporalty n. (Obsolete) A secular possession; a temporality.
TEMPORALTY n. the laity; secular people.
TEMPTATIONtemptation n. The act of tempting.
temptation n. The condition of being tempted.
temptation n. Something attractive, tempting or seductive; an inducement or enticement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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