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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, E, M, N, P, T and U

EPAULEMENTepaulement n. A barricade of heaped earth for protection from gunfire.
epaulement n. (Ballet) A position in which one shoulder is thrust forward and the other back, and the torso turned…
EPAULEMENT n. a side-work of a battery or earthwork to protect it from flanking fire.
MANIPULATEmanipulate v. (Transitive) To move, arrange or operate something using the hands.
manipulate v. (Transitive) To influence, manage, direct, control or tamper with something.
manipulate v. (Transitive, medicine) To handle and move a body part, either as an examination or for a therapeutic purpose.
MULTIPANEDmultipaned adj. (Of a window) Furnished with multiple panes.
MULTIPANED adj. having many panes.
MULTIPLANEmultiplane adj. Consisting of several planes or surfaces.
multiplane n. An airplane having at least three superposed main planes.
multiplane n. A motion-picture camera used in traditional animation to move a number of pieces of artwork at various…
PALUDAMENTpaludament n. A paludamentum.
PALUDAMENT n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENTUM.
PENTATHLUMpentathlum n. Pentathlon.
PENTATHLUM n. a pentathlon.
PENULTIMASpenultimas n. Plural of penultima.
PENULTIMA n. (Latin) the last but one syllable, also PENULT.
PNEUMATICSpneumatics n. The branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases.
pneumatics n. (Theology, obsolete) The scientific study or knowledge of spiritual beings and their relations to God…
PNEUMATICS n. the study of the mechanics of gases.
PULMONATESpulmonates n. Plural of pulmonate.
PULMONATE n. a member of the Pulmonata, an air-breathing order or subclass of Gastropoda.
STEAMPUNKSsteampunks n. Plural of steampunk.
STEAMPUNK n. a genre of science fiction set in an era of steam power, esp. Victorian Britain.
UNEMPHATICunemphatic adj. Not emphatic.
UNEMPHATIC adj. not emphatic.
UNIMPARTEDunimparted adj. Not imparted.
UNIMPARTED adj. not imparted.
UNTRAMPLEDuntrampled adj. Not trampled.
UNTRAMPLED adj. not trampled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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