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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, E, M, N, P, R and U

DREPANIUMSDREPANIUM n. a kind of cymose inflorescence.
EPICRANIUMepicranium n. (Anatomy) The upper and superficial part of the head, including the scalp, muscles, etc.
epicranium n. (Zoology) The dorsal wall of the head of insects.
EPICRANIUM n. the medical term for the collection of structures covering the cranium.
NEUROPLASMneuroplasm n. The protoplasm of a nerve cell.
NEUROPLASM n. the protoplasm of a nerve cell.
PERINAEUMSPERINAEUM n. the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the anus, also PERINEUM.
PNEUMOGRAMpneumogram n. (Medicine) A record (often overnight) of the respiratory movements of a subject by the use of pneumography.
PNEUMOGRAM n. an X-ray photograph made by a pneumograph.
PRAEMUNIREpraemunire n. (Law, now historical) The offence in English law of bringing suit in or obeying a foreign (especially…
praemunire n. The writ charging a person with this offence, the writ of praemunire facias.
praemunire n. (In extended use) Any of a number of criminal offences incurring similar penalties to the original offence…
PRIMAQUINEprimaquine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound derived from quinoline, used as a medication in the treatment of…
PRIMAQUINE n. an antimalarial drug.
SUPERHUMANsuperhuman adj. Beyond what is possible for a human being.
superhuman n. A human being with remarkable abilities or superpowers.
SUPERHUMAN adj. being above the human.
SUPERWOMANsuperwoman n. (Informal) A woman who looks after a home and children as well as being employed in a full-time job.
superwoman n. A woman with superhuman powers.
SUPERWOMAN n. an exceptional woman.
UNHAMPEREDunhampered adj. Not hampered.
UNHAMPERED adj. not hampered.
UNIMPAIREDunimpaired adj. Not impaired.
UNIMPAIRED adj. not impaired.
UNIMPARTEDunimparted adj. Not imparted.
UNIMPARTED adj. not imparted.
UNPAMPEREDunpampered adj. Not pampered.
UNPAMPERED adj. not pampered.
UNTRAMPLEDuntrampled adj. Not trampled.
UNTRAMPLED adj. not trampled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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