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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, E, L, 2O, R and U

ALLOMEROUSallomerous adj. (Chemistry) Characterized by allomerism.
ALLOMEROUS adj. exhibiting allomerism, similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
AUTOLOADERautoloader n. (Military) A mechanical device that loads ordnance into weapons such as tanks and artillery that would…
autoloader n. (Computing) A mechanical device that automatically loads storage media (such as tapes or disks) into…
autoloader n. (Programming) A software mechanism that automatically locates and loads classes etc. as required at run time.
COLORATUREcolorature n. (Music) An elaborate melody, particularly in vocal music and especially in operatic singing of the 18th…
COLORATURE n. a highly ornamented, virtuoso (musical passage); a singer, esp. soprano, of such music, also COLORATURA.
COLOURABLEcolourable adj. (Obsolete) Colourful.
colourable adj. Apparently true; specious; potentially justifiable.
colourable adj. (Now rare, sometimes law) Deceptive; fake, misleading.
EURODOLLAReurodollar n. Alternative letter-case form of Eurodollar.
Eurodollar n. (Economics) A deposit, in US dollars, held in a bank outside of the United States (no longer necessarily in Europe).
Eurodollar n. (Obsolete, informal) Synonym of euro (“€”) (nickname used for the unified European currency prior to…
HONOURABLEhonourable adj. Britain standard spelling of honorable.
honourable n. Britain standard spelling of honorable.
Honourable adj. Alternative letter-case form of honourable.
LABOURSOMElaboursome adj. (Obsolete) Hard-working.
laboursome adj. (Now rare) Characterised or marked by labour; laborious; difficult, elaborate, involved.
LABOURSOME adj. (Shakespeare) laborious, also LABORSOME.
OLERACEOUSoleraceous adj. Relating to potherbs.
OLERACEOUS adj. of the nature of a potherb; for kitchen use; edible.
OVERLABOURoverlabour n. Excessive labour.
overlabour v. (Transitive) To cause to labour excessively; to overwork.
overlabour v. (Transitive) To labour upon excessively; to refine unduly.
TROPAEOLUMTropaeolum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tropaeolaceae – nasturtiums.
Tropæolum prop.n. Obsolete spelling of Tropaeolum.
TROPAEOLUM n. a genus of South American trailing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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