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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, E, I, 2T, U and V

AUTOMOTIVEautomotive adj. Having the ability to move by itself; self-propelled or self-propelling.
automotive adj. Of, or relating to motor vehicles.
automotive n. A shop or company that sells motor vehicle parts.
CULTIVATEDcultivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of cultivate.
cultivated adj. (Of a person) cultured, refined, educated.
cultivated adj. (Of a plant) grown by cultivation (not wild).
CULTIVATEScultivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cultivate.
CULTIVATE v. to till or produce by tillage.
CUNCTATIVEcunctative adj. (Rare) Inclined to delay.
DUBITATIVEdubitative adj. Tending to doubt; doubtful.
DUBITATIVE adj. relating to doubt or incertitude.
ERUCTATIVEERUCTATIVE adj. tending to produce eructation.
IMPUTATIVEimputative adj. Of, related, or pertaining to imputation.
IMPUTATIVE adj. transferred by imputation; that may be imputed.
LUSTRATIVElustrative adj. Involving or relating to lustration.
LUSTRATIVE adj. tending to lustrate.
MATURATIVEmaturative n. (Medicine, obsolete) A remedy promoting maturation; a maturant.
maturative adj. (Obsolete) Conducing to ripeness or maturity; hence, conducing to suppuration.
MATURATIVE adj. conducing to ripeness or maturity.
MUTILATIVEmutilative adj. Causing or relating to mutilation.
MUTILATIVE adj. causing mutilation.
PUTATIVELYputatively adv. According to belief.
PUTATIVE adv. supposed or reputed.
QUANTITIVEquantitive adj. Alternative form of quantitative.
QUANTITIVE adj. estimable according to quantity, also QUANTITATIVE.
QUOTATIVESquotatives n. Plural of quotative.
QUOTATIVE n. a function word used in informal contexts to introduce a quotation.
REPUTATIVEreputative adj. Reputed; putative.
REPUTATIVE adj. reputed, putative.
TRADUCTIVEtraductive adj. Capable of being deduced; derivable.
TRADUCTIVE adj. transmitted.
UNVITIATEDunvitiated adj. Not vitiated; pure.
UNVITIATED adj. not vitiated.
VASTITUDESvastitudes n. Plural of vastitude.
VEDUTISTASvedutistas n. Plural of vedutista.
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.
VITUPERATEvituperate v. (Transitive).
vituperate v. (Intransitive) To use abusive or harsh words.
vituperate adj. Of, characterized by, or relating to abusive or harsh criticism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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