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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, E, I, 2L, M and P

CAPITELLUMcapitellum n. (Botany, anatomy, arachnology) Synonym of capitulum.
CAPITELLUM n. the capitulum of the humerus, where the humerus plugs into the acetabulum.
COMPLIABLEcompliable adj. Capable of bending or yielding, or willing to do so; compliant.
COMPLIABLE adj. capable of bending or yielding; compliant.
EPISOMALLYepisomally adv. In an episomal manner.
episomally adv. With regard to an episome.
EPISOMAL adv. of or like an episome, a genetically active particle found in bacteria.
IMPALPABLEimpalpable adj. Not able to be perceived by the senses (especially by touch); intangible or insubstantial; not easily…
IMPALPABLE adj. not perceivable by touch.
IMPANELLEDimpanelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPERIALLYimperially adv. In an imperial manner.
IMPERIAL adv. commanding.
IMPLACABLEimplacable adj. Not able to be placated or appeased.
implacable adj. Impossible to prevent or stop; inexorable, unrelenting, unstoppable.
implacable adj. Adamant; immovable.
MAXILLIPEDmaxilliped n. One of the appendages on the heads of centipedes and some crustaceans behind the maxillae, used for…
MAXILLIPED n. one of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next behind the maxillae, also MAXILLIPEDE.
MULTIPLANEmultiplane adj. Consisting of several planes or surfaces.
multiplane n. An airplane having at least three superposed main planes.
multiplane n. A motion-picture camera used in traditional animation to move a number of pieces of artwork at various…
PALLIAMENTpalliament n. (Obsolete) A dress; a robe.
PALLIAMENT n. (Shakespeare) a Roman consular candidate's robe.
PERMILLAGEpermillage n. The amount, number or rate of something, regarded as part of a total of 1000.
PERMILLAGE n. reckoning by the thousand.
PHILOMELASPHILOMELA n. (Greek) a songbird, also PHILOMEL.
PREMAXILLApremaxilla n. (Anatomy) Either of a pair of bones in front of the maxillary bones in the upper vertebrate jaw.
PREMAXILLA n. (Latin) a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLARY.
PRIMEVALLYprimevally adv. In a primeval manner; in or from the earliest times; originally.
PRIMEVAL adv. belonging to the earth's beginnings, also PRIMAEVAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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