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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2I, M, N and P

EMANCIPISTemancipist n. (Australia, historical) In penal colonies of early Australia, a convict who had been pardoned for good…
EMANCIPIST n. (historical) a convict who has served his time of punishment in a penal colony.
EPICRANIUMepicranium n. (Anatomy) The upper and superficial part of the head, including the scalp, muscles, etc.
epicranium n. (Zoology) The dorsal wall of the head of insects.
EPICRANIUM n. the medical term for the collection of structures covering the cranium.
HEMIANOPIAhemianopia n. (Ophthalmology) Alternative form of hemianopsia.
HEMIANOPIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPIA, HEMIOPSIA.
HEMIANOPIChemianopic adj. Alternative form of hemianopsic.
HEMIANOPIC adj. having or relating to hemianopia, also HEMIANOPTIC, HEMIOPIC.
IMIPRAMINEimipramine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound (trademark Tofranil) used to treat depression.
IMIPRAMINE n. an antidepressant drug also used in the treatment of enuresis.
IMPAIRMENTimpairment n. The result of being impaired.
impairment n. A deterioration or weakening.
impairment n. A disability or handicap.
IMPANELINGimpaneling v. Present participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPATIENCEimpatience n. The quality of being impatient; lacking patience; restlessness and intolerance of delays; anxiety and…
IMPATIENCE n. the state of being impatient.
IMPEACHINGimpeaching v. Present participle of impeach.
IMPEACH v. to accuse of impropriety, also EMPEACH.
IMPEARLINGimpearling v. Present participle of impearl.
IMPEARL v. to make pearl-like.
IMPLEADINGimpleading v. Present participle of implead.
IMPLEAD v. to sue in a court of law.
INDAPAMIDEindapamide n. (Medicine) A particular sulphonamide diuretic drug.
INDAPAMIDE n. a synthetic thiazide drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure and oedema.
MAINPRISEDmainprised v. Simple past tense and past participle of mainprise.
MAINPRISE v. (historical) to allow a prisoner to go free based on a guarantee that he or she will appear in court on the designated day.
MAINPRISESmainprises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mainprise.
MAINPRISE v. (historical) to allow a prisoner to go free based on a guarantee that he or she will appear in court on the designated day.
MISPAINTEDmispainted v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispaint.
MISPAINT v. to paint wrongly.
PALIMONIESPALIMONY n. alimony paid after separation by one person.
PANMIXISESPANMIXIS n. (Greek) random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIA.
PRIMAQUINEprimaquine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound derived from quinoline, used as a medication in the treatment of…
PRIMAQUINE n. an antimalarial drug.
UNIMPAIREDunimpaired adj. Not impaired.
UNIMPAIRED adj. not impaired.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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