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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, E, G, N, S, T and V

ADVANTAGESadvantages n. Plural of advantage.
advantages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of advantage.
ADVANTAGE v. to confer an advantage, a favourable condition, upon.
ESTIVATINGestivating v. Present participle of estivate.
ESTIVATE v. to spend the summer in a torpid state, also AESTIVATE.
EVAGATIONSevagations n. Plural of evagation.
EVAGATION n. wandering; digression.
EVAGINATESevaginates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of evaginate.
EVAGINATE v. to turn inside out.
EVANGELISTevangelist n. (Christianity) An itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist, who conducts services in different…
evangelist n. (Biblical) A writer of a gospel, especially the four New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and…
evangelist n. (Primitive Church) A person who first brought the gospel to a city or region.
GAINSTRIVEgainstrive v. (Obsolete, transitive) To strive against; to resist, oppose.
gainstrive v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To resist; to fight back.
GAINSTRIVE v. (obsolete) to strive or struggle against.
GAINSTROVEgainstrove v. Simple past tense of gainstrive.
GAINSTRIVE v. (obsolete) to strive or struggle against.
GRAVESTONEgravestone n. A stone slab set at the head of a grave.
GRAVESTONE n. a burial monument.
HARVESTINGharvesting n. (Agriculture) The gathering of a mature crop; a harvest.
harvesting n. (By extension) The gathering of any resource.
harvesting v. Present participle of harvest.
NEGATIVISMnegativism n. A persistent pessimistic or skeptical attitude.
negativism n. A stubborn tendency to do the opposite of what one is asked.
NEGATIVISM n. a tendency to deny and criticise, without offering positive suggestions.
NEGATIVISTnegativist n. One who exhibits negativism.
NEGATIVIST n. one who practises negativism, a tendency to deny and criticise, without offering positive suggestions.
SERVANTINGservanting v. Present participle of servant.
SERVANT v. to act as servant.
STARVELINGstarveling n. One who is thin from lack of food.
starveling adj. Starving; suffering from starvation.
starveling adj. Meagre; scanty.
TIMESAVINGtimesaving adj. That reduces the time needed to perform a task, especially by using a shorter route or a more efficient method.
timesaving adj. Prompt or expeditious.
time-saving adj. Alternative spelling of timesaving.
TRAVELINGStravelings n. Plural of traveling.
TRAVELING n. the act of travel.
TRAVERSINGtraversing v. Present participle of traverse.
traversing n. A traversal.
TRAVERSING n. the act of traversing.
VESICATINGvesicating v. Present participle of vesicate.
VESICATE v. to blister.
VIGILANTESvigilantes n. Plural of vigilante.
Vigilantes prop.n. Plural of Vigilante.
VIGILANTE n. (Spanish) any person executing summary justice in the absence or breakdown of legally constituted law enforcement bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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