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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, E, G, N, O, R and Y

ANDROGYNESandrogynes n. Plural of androgyne.
ANDROGYNE n. a hermaphrodite; an effeminate man; a masculine woman.
ERGATOGYNEERGATOGYNE n. a worker-like wingless female ant.
FORELAYINGforelaying v. Present participle of forelay.
FORELAY v. to wait in ambush.
FORESAYINGforesaying v. Present participle of foresay.
FORESAY v. to foretell.
GARRYOWENSgarryowens n. Plural of garryowen.
GARRYOWEN n. in rugby, a high kick forward followed by a rush towards the landing place of the ball.
GRANOPHYREgranophyre n. A subvolcanic rock with angular intergrowths of quartz and alkali feldspar.
GRANOPHYRE n. a kind of quartz-porphyry.
GRAYSTONESgraystones n. Plural of graystone.
GRAYSTONE n. a grey igneous rock of volcanic origin, also GREYSTONE.
GYROPLANESgyroplanes n. Plural of gyroplane.
GYROPLANE n. an airplane balanced and supported by the aerodynamic forces acting on rapidly rotating horizontal or slightly inclined airfoils, also GYROCOPTER.
LOGANBERRYloganberry n. A hybrid berry, produced by crossing a raspberry with a blackberry, considered a species Rubus loganobaccus…
LOGANBERRY n. a hybrid between a raspberry and a Pacific coast blackberry.
MINERALOGYmineralogy n. (Petrology) The branch of petrology that studies minerals.
mineralogy n. Mineral materials.
mineralogy n. A treatise on mineralogy.
OCTOGENARYoctogenary adj. (Obsolete) Of or related to the number 80, particularly.
octogenary n. (Obsolete) Synonym of eightysomething: a person 80 to 89 years old.
OCTOGENARY adj. of eighty years of age.
ORGANOGENYorganogeny n. (Archaic) organogenesis.
ORGANOGENY n. the development of living organisms.
OVERLAYINGoverlaying v. Present participle of overlay.
overlaying n. Overlaid ornamentation.
OVERLAYING n. the act of overlaying.
OVERPAYINGoverpaying v. Present participle of overpay.
OVERPAY v. to pay too much.
OXYGENATORoxygenator n. Any device that releases oxygen (or air) into water, especially one in an aquarium.
OXYGENATOR n. an oxidizer.
REGIONALLYregionally adv. In a large but limited area, more than local but smaller than entirety. (Generally smaller than a nation.)
REGIONAL adv. relating to a region, also REGIONARY.
RENOGRAPHYrenography n. Imaging of the kidney.
RENOGRAPHY n. a treatise on or description of the kidneys.
TERATOGENYteratogeny n. (Teratology) teratogenesis.
TERATOGENY n. the formation of monsters.
VENOGRAPHYvenography n. (Medicine) A diagnostic procedure in which an X-ray of the veins, a venogram, is taken after a special…
VENOGRAPHY n. radiography of a vein after injection of a contrast medium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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