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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, E, G, H, O, S and U

CHORAGUSESCHORAGUS n. (Latin) a leader of a choir, also CHOREGUS.
DOUCHEBAGSdouchebags n. Plural of douchebag.
douche␣bags n. Plural of douche bag.
DOUCHEBAG n. a despicable person.
DOUGHFACESdoughfaces n. Plural of doughface.
DOUGHFACE n. a contemptuous nickname for a timid, yielding politician.
EXOPHAGOUSexophagous adj. Exhibiting or relating to exophagy.
EXOPHAGOUS adj. relating to exophagy, cannibalism outside one's own group.
GATEHOUSESgatehouses n. Plural of gatehouse.
gate␣houses n. Plural of gate house.
GATEHOUSE n. a building over or at a gate.
GAZEHOUNDSgazehounds n. Plural of gazehound.
gaze-hounds n. Plural of gaze-hound (alternative form of gazehounds).
GAZEHOUND n. a hound that pursues by the sight rather than by the scent.
GEOPHAGOUSgeophagous adj. Eating earth.
GEOPHAGOUS adj. earth-eating.
GLASSHOUSEglasshouse n. A greenhouse, especially one for commercial use.
glasshouse n. A building where glass or glassware is manufactured.
glasshouse n. (Britain military slang) A military prison.
GUACHAROESguacharoes n. Plural of guacharo.
GUACHARO n. (Spanish) a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird.
GUARDHOUSEguardhouse n. A station for guards, especially at the entrance of a town, castle, etc.
guardhouse n. Synonym of military prison.
Guardhouse prop.n. A hamlet near Threlkeld, Eden district, Cumbria, England (OS grid ref NY3325).
HALOGENOUShalogenous adj. (Chemistry) Of a compound: containing a halogen as part of the molecule.
HALOGENOUS adj. of the nature of a halogen.
HEMAGOGUESHEMAGOGUE n. a drug that promotes the flow of blood, also HAEMAGOGUE, HEMAGOG.
HEXAGYNOUShexagynous adj. (Botany) Having six styles.
HEXAGYNOUS adj. having six pistils, also HEXAGYNIAN.
HORSELAUGHhorselaugh n. A loud, boisterous laugh.
horse␣laugh n. Alternative form of horselaugh.
HORSELAUGH n. a loud, boisterous laugh.
OESOPHAGUSoesophagus n. (Anatomy) The tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach.
œsophagus n. (Chiefly British spelling) Obsolete form of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
OUTCHARGESoutcharges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outcharge.
OUTCHARGE v. to surpass in charging.
OVERSLAUGHoverslaugh n. (US, dialect) A bar in a river.
overslaugh v. (US, dialect, slang, transitive) To hinder or stop, as by an overslaugh or impediment.
OVERSLAUGH n. exemption from duty when employed on something else.
SHOGUNATESshogunates n. Plural of shogunate.
SHOGUNATE n. the office or dignity of a shogun, a hereditary military governor of Japan.
SUGARHOUSEsugarhouse n. (Historical) A factory for the refining of raw sugar from Barbados.
sugarhouse n. (Canada) A small cabin or shack where sap collected from sugar maples is boiled into maple syrup.
sugar-house n. Alternative spelling of sugarhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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