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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2G, I, L and S

AGROLOGIESAGROLOGY n. the science of soils in relation to crops.
ALGOLOGIESALGOLOGY n. the study of algae.
ENSILAGINGensilaging v. Present participle of ensilage.
ENSILAGE v. to store in a silo, also ENSILE.
FLAGGINESSflagginess n. The condition of being flaggy; laxity; limberness.
FLAGGINESS n. the condition of being flaggy, flabby.
GALINGALESgalingales n. Plural of galingale.
GALINGALE n. the aromatic rootstock of certain East Indian plants of the ginger family, also GALANGA, GALANGAL, GALENGALE.
GALIONGEESgaliongees n. Plural of galiongee.
GALIONGEE n. (Turkish) a Turkish sailor.
GASLIGHTEDgaslighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of gaslight.
GASLIGHT v. to attempt to manipulate (a person) by continually presenting them with false information until they doubt their sanity.
GEOLOGIANSgeologians n. Plural of geologian.
GEOLOGIAN n. a geologist, also GEOLOGER.
GIGACYCLESgigacycles n. Plural of gigacycle.
GIGACYCLE n. one billion hertz.
GILRAVAGESgilravages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gilravage.
LANGRIDGESLangridges prop.n. Plural of Langridge.
LANGRIDGE n. a shot consisting of canister containing irregular pieces of iron, formerly used to damage sails and rigging, also LANGRAGE, LANGREL.
LEGALISINGlegalising v. Present participle of legalise.
LEGALISE v. to make lawful, also LEGALIZE.
SCRAGGLIERscragglier adj. Comparative form of scraggly: more scraggly.
SCRAGGLY adj. irregular or ragged in growth or form.
SIALAGOGUEsialagogue n. Alternative spelling of sialogogue.
SIALAGOGUE n. anything which promotes salivation, also SIALOGOGUE.
SIALOGOGUEsialogogue n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that increases the flow of saliva.
SIALOGOGUE n. anything that stimulates the flow of saliva, also SIALAGOGUE.
STRAGGLIERstragglier adj. Comparative form of straggly: more straggly.
STRAGGLY adj. irregularly spread out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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