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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, E, F, L, 2R and S

BARRELFULSbarrelfuls n. Plural of barrelful.
BARRELFUL n. the contents of a barrel.
BARRELSFULbarrelsful n. Plural of barrelful.
BARRELFUL n. the contents of a barrel.
CLARIFIERSclarifiers n. Plural of clarifier.
CLARIFIER n. an agent that clarifies (wine).
CONFERRALSconferrals n. Plural of conferral.
CONFERRAL n. the act of conferring.
DRAWERFULSdrawerfuls n. Plural of drawerful.
DRAWERFUL n. the contents of a drawer.
FARNARKELSFARNARKEL v. (Australian slang) to waste time, mess about.
FLATTERERSflatterers n. Plural of flatterer.
FLATTERER n. one who flatters.
FLAVOURERSflavourers n. Plural of flavourer.
FLAVOURER n. one who flavours, also FLAVORER.
FORMALISERformaliser n. Alternative form of formalizer.
FORMALISER n. one who formalises, also FORMALIZER.
SALVERFORMsalverform adj. Shaped like a salver.
SALVERFORM adj. of a corolla, having a long tube with terminal petals spread out flat.
STARFLOWERstarflower n. Borage (Borago officinalis), an annual herb, and its product, starflower oil (family Boraginaceae).
starflower n. Calytrix, a shrub native to Australia (family Myrtaceae).
starflower n. Erinus alpinus, an alpine plant (family Plantaginaceae).
TRANSFERALtransferal n. A transfer, especially the making over of legal title or ownership to another.
TRANSFERAL n. the act of transfer, also TRANSFERRAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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