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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, M, N, T and V

ADVISEMENTadvisement n. (Now US) Consideration or deliberation.
advisement n. (Archaic) Advice, counsel.
ADVISEMENT n. counsel; advice, also AVISEMENT, VIZAMENT.
AVALEMENTSAVALEMENT n. a skiing technique that involves keeping the knees flexible so as to absorb bumps and remain in contact with the snow.
AVENGEMENTavengement n. (Rare) The inflicting of retributive punishment; satisfaction taken.
AVENGEMENT n. (archaic) the inflicting of retributive punishment.
AVERTIMENTavertiment n. (Obsolete) advertisement (public notice).
AVERTIMENT n. (Milton) advertisement.
AVISEMENTSavisements n. Plural of avisement.
AVISEMENT n. (Spenser) advisement, also ADVISEMENT, VIZAMENT.
ENVENOMATEenvenomate v. To inject venom into.
HARVESTMENharvestmen n. Plural of harvestman.
HARVESTMAN n. any member of the Opiliones, a class of Arachnida with very long legs, also HARVESTER.
MALEVOLENTmalevolent adj. Having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others.
malevolent adj. Having an evil or harmful influence.
MALEVOLENT adj. wishing evil.
NUMERATIVEnumerative adj. Of or pertaining to numeration.
NUMERATIVE adj. relating to numeration.
OVERMANTELovermantel n. A decorative structure, usually plasterwork or carved wood, and sometimes containing a mirror, over a mantelpiece.
OVERMANTEL n. an ornamental structure set on a mantelshelf.
PAVEMENTEDpavemented adj. Furnished with a pavement.
pavemented adj. (Pathology) Having undergone the process of pavementing.
PAVEMENT v. to provide with a pavement.
RAVAGEMENTravagement n. An act of ravaging.
RAVAGEMENT n. laying waste.
RAVELMENTSravelments n. Plural of ravelment.
RAVELMENT n. confusion, complexity, tangle.
REVEALMENTrevealment n. The act of revealing something; revelation.
REVEALMENT n. the act of revealing.
VERMINATEDverminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of verminate.
VERMINATE v. to breed vermin.
VERMINATESverminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of verminate.
VERMINATE v. to breed vermin.
VESTMENTALvestmental adj. Relating to vestments.
VESTMENTAL adj. relating to a vestment.
VINDEMIATEVINDEMIATE v. (archaic) to gather grapes or other fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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