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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, G, I, R and U

AUBERGINESaubergines n. Plural of aubergine.
AUBERGINE n. (French) an eggplant.
AUBERGISTEaubergiste n. An innkeeper or landlord in French-speaking countries.
AUBERGISTE n. (French) an innkeeper.
EFFIGURATEeffigurate adj. (Botany, lichenology) Having a definite (lobed) shape; not effuse.
EFFIGURATE adj. having a definite shape.
EGURGITATEEGURGITATE v. to vomit, to cast forth.
FIGUREHEADfigurehead n. (Nautical) A carved figure on the prow of a sailing ship.
figurehead n. (By extension) Someone in a nominal position of leadership who has no actual power; a front or front man.
figurehead n. (Nautical, slang, obsolete) A person’s face.
GAUCHERIESgaucheries n. Plural of gaucherie.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
GAULEITERSgauleiters n. Plural of gauleiter.
GAULEITER n. (German) an overbearing wielder of petty authority.
GLAUBERITEglauberite n. (Mineralogy) An evaporite, consisting of a mixed sodium and calcium sulphate, with the chemical formula…
GLAUBERITE n. a greyish-white mineral, sodium calcium sulphate, found chiefly in rock salt.
LEAGUERINGleaguering v. Present participle of leaguer.
LEAGUER v. to besiege.
MARGUERITEmarguerite n. An oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare).
marguerite n. A shrub with daisy-like flowers, Argyranthemum frutescens.
marguerite n. The China aster.
MEGACURIESmegacuries n. Plural of megacurie.
MEGACURIE n. a unit of radiation, a million curies.
MUGEARITESmugearites n. Plural of mugearite.
MUGEARITE n. a dark, finely crystalline basic igneous rock.
REGULARISEregularise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of regularize.
REGULARISE v. to make regular, also REGULARIZE.
REGULARIZEregularize v. To make regular.
REGULARIZE v. to make regular, also REGULARISE.
REGULATIVEregulative adj. Of or relating to regulation; having a regulatory function.
REGULATIVE adj. tending to regulate.
RENEAGUINGRENEAGUE v. to go back on a promise etc., also RENAGUE, RENEGE, RENEGUE, RENIG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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