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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, G, H, I and S

BEHEADINGSbeheadings n. Plural of beheading.
BEHEADING n. an execution by decapitation.
DISCHARGEEdischargee n. One who is discharged.
DISCHARGEE n. one who is discharged.
ENHEARSINGenhearsing v. Present participle of enhearse.
ENHEARSE v. (Shakespeare) to enclose in a hearse, also INHEARSE, INHERCE.
ESCHEATINGescheating v. Present participle of escheat.
ESCHEAT v. to make an escheat of, also EXCHEAT.
EXOPHAGIESEXOPHAGY n. a cannibal custom of eating other than one's kin.
GAMEFISHESgamefishes n. Plural of gamefish.
game␣fishes n. Plural of game fish.
GAMEFISH n. a fish caught for sport.
GARNISHEEDgarnisheed v. Simple past tense and past participle of garnishee.
GARNISHEE v. to make someone a garnishee.
GARNISHEESgarnishees n. Plural of garnishee.
GARNISHEE v. to make someone a garnishee.
GAUCHERIESgaucheries n. Plural of gaucherie.
GAUCHERIE n. (French) an awkward or socially unacceptable remark.
GEOPHAGIESGEOPHAGY n. the practice of eating earthy substances, also GEOPHAGIA.
HAGBERRIEShagberries n. Plural of hagberry.
HAGBERRY n. a genus of trees related to the elm, but bearing drupes with scanty, but often edible, pulp, also HACKBERRY.
HERMITAGEShermitages n. Plural of hermitage.
HERMITAGE n. a hermit's abode.
JAGGHERIESjaggheries n. Plural of jagghery.
JAGGHERY n. (Hindi) a coarse, dark sugar, also JAGGARY, JAGGERY, JAGRA.
LEGATESHIPlegateship n. The office or authority of a legate.
LEGATESHIP n. the office of a legate.
LETHARGIESlethargies n. Plural of lethargy.
LETHARGY n. morbid drowsiness.
LETHARGISElethargise v. Alternative form of lethargize.
LETHARGISE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGIZE.
REHEARINGSrehearings n. Plural of rehearing.
re-hearings n. Plural of re-hearing.
REHEARING n. the act of rehearing.
REHEARSINGrehearsing v. Present participle of rehearse.
rehearsing n. A rehearsal.
REHEARSING n. the act of rehearsing.
REHEATINGSreheatings n. Plural of reheating.
REHEATING n. the act of heating again.
WEIGHTAGESweightages n. Plural of weightage.
WEIGHTAGE n. a weighting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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