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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, F, N, T and U

FECUNDATEDfecundated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fecundate.
FECUNDATE v. to make fruitful or prolific.
FECUNDATESfecundates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fecundate.
FECUNDATE v. to make fruitful or prolific.
FLATULENCEflatulence n. The state of having gas, often smelly, trapped (and when released, frequently with noise) in the digestive…
flatulence n. The release of such gas; breaking wind.
FLATULENCE n. distension of the stomach or bowels by gases formed during digestion, also FLATULENCY.
FUSTANELLEfustanelle n. Alternative form of fustanella.
FUSTANELLE n. a white kilt worn by Greek and Albanian men, also FUSTANELLA.
QUEENCRAFTqueencraft n. Craft or skill in policy on the part of a queen; kingcraft as practised by a female sovereign.
QUEENCRAFT n. craft or skill in policy on the part of a queen.
TAENIAFUGEtaeniafuge n. Alternative form of taenifuge.
TAENIAFUGE n. a substance, e.g. a drug, for expelling tapeworms.
TENIAFUGESteniafuges n. Plural of teniafuge.
TENIAFUGE n. a substance, esp. a drug, that kills a tapeworm, also TENIACIDE.
UNAFFECTEDunaffected adj. Not affected or changed.
unaffected adj. Lacking pretense or affectation; natural.
unaffected n. Someone not affected, as by a disease.
UNDEFEATEDundefeated adj. Never defeated; always victorious.
UNDEFEATED adj. not defeated.
UNFASTENEDunfastened adj. Not fastened.
unfastened v. Past participle of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.
UNFATHEREDunfathered adj. Not raised by or acknowledged by a father.
unfathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfather.
UNFATHERED adj. having no father.
UNFEATUREDunfeatured adj. Not featured.
unfeatured adj. (Obsolete) Lacking regular features; deformed.
UNFEATURED adj. wanting regular features; deformed.
UNSAFETIESunsafeties v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unsafety.
UNSAFETY n. lack of safety.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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