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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, 3E, G and 2N

ANAGENESESanageneses n. Plural of anagenesis.
ANAGENESIS n. so-called progressive ('upward') evolution.
AVENGEMENTavengement n. (Rare) The inflicting of retributive punishment; satisfaction taken.
AVENGEMENT n. (archaic) the inflicting of retributive punishment.
EMPENNAGESempennages n. Plural of empennage.
EMPENNAGE n. (French) the tail assembly of an airplane.
ENDANGEREDendangered adj. In danger, at risk, said of something where there is a strong possibility something bad will happen…
endangered v. Simple past tense and past participle of endanger.
ENDANGER v. to expose to loss or injury.
ENDANGERERendangerer n. One who endangers.
ENDANGERER n. one who endangers.
ENGAGEMENTengagement n. (Countable) An appointment, especially to speak or perform.
engagement n. (Uncountable) Connection or attachment.
engagement n. (Uncountable, by extension, about human emotional state) The feeling of being compelled, drawn in, connected…
ENGRENAGESENGRENAGE n. (French) the process of preparing for effective joint action.
ENLARGENEDenlargened v. Simple past tense and past participle of enlargen.
ENLARGEN v. (Spenser) to make larger, also ENLARGE.
ENRAGEMENTenragement n. Rage.
ENRAGEMENT n. the act of enraging or state of being enraged.
INELEGANCEinelegance n. The state or quality of being inelegant; lack of grace, refinement, beauty, or polish in language, composition…
INELEGANCE n. lack of elegance, also INELEGANCY.
INGENERATEingenerate adj. (Now rare) Innate, inborn.
ingenerate v. (Transitive) To generate or produce within; to beget or engender; to cause.
INGENERATE v. to generate or produce within.
PANGENESESPANGENESIS n. Darwin's theory that every cell of the body contributes gemmules to the germ-cells and so shares in the transmission of inherited characters.
VENGEANCESvengeances n. Plural of vengeance.
VENGEANCE n. revenge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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