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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, D, O, P, 2S and T

DESPOTATESdespotates n. Plural of despotate.
DESPOTATE n. a territory governed by a despot, also DESPOTAT.
DIASPORISTSorry, definition not available.
DISSIPATORdissipator n. One who, or that which, dissipates something.
DISSIPATOR n. one who dissipates, also DISSIPATER.
DYSTOPIANSDYSTOPIAN n. a believer in dystopia.
GASTROPODSgastropods n. Plural of gastropod.
GASTROPOD n. a class of asymmetrical molluscs, including limpets, whelks, snails and slugs, also GASTEROPOD.
OUTSPREADSoutspreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outspread.
OUTSPREAD v. to spread out.
PASSPORTEDpassported adj. (UK, of a benefit) For which one is automatically eligible if receiving certain other benefits.
PASSPORT v. in the European Economic Area) to award a firm that is registered in one member state the right to do business in every other member state without applying to each country for authorization.
PASTEDOWNSpastedowns n. Plural of pastedown.
PASTEDOWN n. the outer leaf of an end-cover that is pasted down over a book.
PODCASTERSpodcasters n. Plural of podcaster.
PODCASTER n. one who creates podcasts.
PSALMODISTpsalmodist n. One who sings sacred songs; a psalmist.
PSALMODIST n. a singer of psalms.
RHAPSODISTrhapsodist n. A rhapsode.
rhapsodist n. One who rhapsodizes.
RHAPSODIST n. anciently, one who recited or composed a rhapsody; esp. one whose profession was to recite the verses of Homer and other epic poets, also RHAPSODE.
SANDSPOUTSsandspouts n. Plural of sandspout.
SANDSPOUT n. a moving pillar of sand drawn up in a whirlwind.
SPADEFOOTSspadefoots n. Plural of spadefoot.
spade-foots n. Plural of spade-foot.
spade␣foots n. Plural of spade foot.
SPASMODISTspasmodist n. A writer of spasmodic poetry.
SPASMODIST n. a person whose work is spasmodic.
SPEEDBOATSspeedboats n. Plural of speedboat.
speed␣boats n. Plural of speed boat.
SPEEDBOAT n. a high-speed motorboat having either an inboard or outboard motor.
STRAPPADOSstrappados n. Plural of strappado.
STRAPPADO n. (Italian) a form of torture in which victim is left dangling from a rope.
TRANSPOSEDtransposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transpose.
TRANSPOSE v. to change the order or position of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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