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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, D, 2O, S and 2T

ATTOSECONDattosecond n. (Metrology) An SI unit of time equal to 10-18 seconds. Symbol: as.
ATTOSECOND n. ten to the power of minus eighteen seconds.
COTTONADEScottonades n. Plural of cottonade.
COTTONADE n. a somewhat stout and thick fabric of cotton.
DETONATORSdetonators n. Plural of detonator.
DETONATOR n. a substance that detonates.
DOCTORATESdoctorates n. Plural of doctorate.
DOCTORATE v. to take a doctorate.
MASTODONTSmastodonts n. Plural of mastodont.
MASTODONT n. a large extinct mammal resembling the elephant, also MASTODON.
ODONATISTSodonatists n. Plural of odonatist.
ODONATIST n. an expert on dragonflies.
OUTBOASTEDoutboasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outboast.
OUTBOAST v. to surpass in boasting.
SAWTOOTHEDsawtoothed adj. Having sawteeth, or a similar form.
saw-toothed adj. Having a jagged edge like a saw.
STATEHOODSstatehoods n. Plural of statehood.
STATEHOOD n. the status of a state.
STOMATOPODstomatopod n. (Zoology) A member of the Stomatopoda order of marine crustaceans; a mantis shrimp.
STOMATOPOD n. one of the Stomatopoda, marine crustaceans, including the squilla.
TOADSTONEStoadstones n. Plural of toadstone.
TOADSTONE n. any stone or stonelike concretion believed to be formed in a toad and to have magic powers.
TOADSTOOLStoadstools n. Plural of toadstool.
TOADSTOOL n. any of several spore-producing, poisonous, umbrella-shaped fungi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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