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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, D, M, N, O, P and S

ADEMPTIONSademptions n. Plural of ademption.
ADEMPTION n. the revoking by testator, donor, etc. of a legacy, donation, etc., by previously paying a sum or parting with the object bequeathed.
CLAMPDOWNSclampdowns n. Plural of clampdown.
clamp-downs n. Plural of clamp-down.
CLAMPDOWN n. a tightening e.g. of regulations.
COMPANDERScompanders n. Plural of compander.
COMPANDER n. a system of transmitting or reproducing sound by compressing and then re-expanding the volume-range, also COMPANDOR.
COMPANDORScompandors n. Plural of compandor.
COMPANDOR n. a system of transmitting or reproducing sound by compressing and then re-expanding the volume-range, also COMPANDER.
DIPLONEMASdiplonemas n. Plural of diplonema.
DIPLONEMA n. a less common name for diplotene, a stage of meiotic prophase (cell division).
DIPSOMANIAdipsomania n. (Pathology) Addiction to alcohol.
dipsomania n. Specifically periodic alcoholism, characterized by bouts of heavy drinking rather than continuous indulgence…
DIPSOMANIA n. an abnormal craving for alcohol.
ENDOPLASMSendoplasms n. Plural of endoplasm.
ENDOPLASM n. the protoplasm in the interior of a cell.
MAPPEMONDSmappemonds n. Plural of mappemond.
MAPPEMOND n. a map of the world.
MEROPIDANSmeropidans n. Plural of meropidan.
MEROPIDAN n. one of a family of birds that includes bee-eaters.
MONOPODIASMONOPODIA n. a physical deformity in which the lower limbs appear to be fused together.
MONOSPACEDmonospaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of monospace.
monospaced adj. (Typography) monospace.
MONOSPACED adj. single-spaced.
PADEMELONSpademelons n. Plural of pademelon.
PADEMELON n. (Native Australian) any of several small wallabies, also PADDYMELON, PADYMELON.
PADRONISMSPADRONISM n. a system of work controlled by a padrone.
PADYMELONSpadymelons n. Plural of padymelon.
PADYMELON n. (Native Australian) any of several small wallabies, also PADDYMELON, PADEMELON.
PROMENADESpromenades n. Plural of promenade.
PROMENADE v. to take a promenade.
PYRAMIDONSpyramidons n. Plural of pyramidon.
PYRAMIDON n. an organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids.
SPODOMANCYspodomancy n. Divination by means of ashes.
SPODOMANCY n. divination by means of ashes.
TAMPONADEStamponades n. Plural of tamponade.
TAMPONADE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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