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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, D, L, M, O and 2S

DALTONISMSDALTONISM n. color blindness, esp. the inability to distinguish between red and green.
DESMOSOMALdesmosomal adj. Of or pertaining to the desmosome.
DESMOSOMAL adj. relating to a desmosome, a small thickened patch on the membrane of a cell.
DIABOLISMSdiabolisms n. Plural of diabolism.
DIABOLISM n. devil-worship.
DIALOGISMSdialogisms n. Plural of dialogism.
DIALOGISM n. deduction with one premise and a disjunctive conclusion.
ENDOPLASMSendoplasms n. Plural of endoplasm.
ENDOPLASM n. the protoplasm in the interior of a cell.
GLADSOMESTgladsomest adj. Superlative form of gladsome: most gladsome.
GLADSOME adj. feeling pleasure.
IDIOPLASMSidioplasms n. Plural of idioplasm.
IDIOPLASM n. the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics.
PLASMODESMplasmodesm n. Alternative form of plasmodesma.
PLASMODESM n. a strand of living cytoplasm connecting two cells, also PLASMODESMA.
PSALMODIESpsalmodies n. Plural of psalmody.
PSALMODY n. the use of psalms in worship.
PSALMODISEpsalmodise v. Alternative form of psalmodize.
PSALMODISE v. to practise psalmody, also PSALMODIZE.
PSALMODISTpsalmodist n. One who sings sacred songs; a psalmist.
PSALMODIST n. a singer of psalms.
RASCALDOMSrascaldoms n. Plural of rascaldom.
RASCALDOM n. the state of being a rascal.
SALMONOIDSsalmonoids n. Plural of salmonoid.
SALMONOID n. a member of the salmon family, also SALMONID.
SMALLSWORDsmallsword n. A light one-handed sword, designed for thrusting, which evolved out of the longer and heavier rapier…
SMALLSWORD n. a light sword used for thrusting only; esp. the sword worn by civilians of rank in the eighteenth century.
SOLIDARISMsolidarism n. Any of several social movements which advocate various kinds of solidarity; see Solidarism.
SOLIDARISM n. solidarity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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