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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, D, L, M, N, R and S

DISMANTLERdismantler n. One who dismantles.
DISMANTLER n. one who dismantles.
DREAMLANDSdreamlands n. Plural of dreamland.
DREAMLAND n. an unreal, delightful country such as in sometimes pictured in dreams.
DURALUMINSduralumins n. Plural of duralumin.
DURALUMIN n. (tradename) a strong light aluminum alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMINIUM.
MADRILENESmadrilenes n. Plural of madrilene.
Madrilenes n. Plural of Madrilene.
MADRILENE n. (French) a tomato-flavored consomme.
MALLANDERSmallanders n. Alternative form of malanders.
MALLANDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALANDER, MALLENDER.
MALLENDERSmallenders n. Alternative form of malanders.
MALLENDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALANDER, MALLANDER.
MARCHLANDSmarchlands n. Plural of marchland.
MARCHLAND n. a borderland.
MARSHLANDSmarshlands n. Plural of marshland.
MARSHLAND n. low poorly drained land that is sometimes flooded and often lies at the edge of lakes, streams, etc.
MIDLANDERSMidlanders n. Plural of Midlander.
MIDLANDER n. one who lives in the midlands.
MISLEARNEDmislearned v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislearn.
MISLEARN v. to learn wrongly.
NORMALISEDnormalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of normalise.
NORMALISE v. to make normal; to bring within or cause to conform to normal standards or limits, also NORMALIZE.
SALAMANDERsalamander n. A long, slender, chiefly terrestrial amphibian of the order Caudata, superficially resembling a lizard.
salamander n. (Mythology) A creature much like a lizard that is resistant to and lives in fire (in which it is often…
salamander n. (Cooking) A metal utensil with a flat head which is heated and put over a dish to brown the top.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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