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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, D, I, M, O, R and Y

ADMONITORYadmonitory adj. Of or pertaining to an admonition; serving to reprove, warn or advise.
ADMONITORY adj. warning, also ADMONITIVE.
AUDIOMETRYaudiometry n. (Medicine) The quantitative assessment of a person’s hearing ability, especially by means of an audiometer.
AUDIOMETRY n. the measurement of the acuity of hearing.
DISHARMONYdisharmony n. The absence of harmony or concordance.
DISHARMONY n. lack of harmony.
FORMIDABLYformidably adv. In a formidable manner.
FORMIDABLE adv. causing fear.
HYBRIDOMAShybridomas n. Plural of hybridoma.
HYBRIDOMA n. a hybrid cell produced by the fusion of an antibody-producing lymphocyte with a tumor cell.
HYDROMANIAhydromania n. A morbid craving for water.
hydromania n. A morbid propensity to suicide by drowning.
hydromania n. An intense attraction to water. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
IMMODERACYimmoderacy n. The quality of being immoderate.
IMMODERACY n. lack of moderation.
MEDIOCRACYmediocracy n. (Informal) A social hierarchy in which the mediocre prevails.
MEDIOCRACY n. government by the mediocre; a system within which mediocrity is rewarded.
MODACRYLICmodacrylic n. Any of several copolymer fibres (mostly polymers of acrylonitrile) that are soft yet strong, and are…
MODULARITYmodularity n. The property of being modular.
MODULARITY n. the state of being modular.
MYOCARDIALmyocardial adj. (Cardiology) Relating to the myocardium, the thick muscular wall of the heart.
MYOCARDIAL adj. relating to the myocardium, the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart inclosed between the epicardium and endocardium.
MYOCARDIUMmyocardium n. (Anatomy, cardiology) The muscular substance of the heart; the middle of the three layers forming the…
MYOCARDIUM n. the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart inclosed between the epicardium and endocardium.
MYRIADFOLDmyriadfold adj. Multiplied by a myriad; repeated a myriad of times.
myriadfold adv. By a factor of a myriad.
MYRIADFOLD n. a myriad times.
MYRIAPODANMYRIAPODAN adj. of or like a myriapod.
PYRAMIDIONpyramidion n. The small pyramid which crowns or completes an obelisk or pyramid.
PYRAMIDION n. the small pyramidal apex of an obelisk.
PYRAMIDONSpyramidons n. Plural of pyramidon.
PYRAMIDON n. an organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids.
RADIOMETRYradiometry n. (Physics) The branch of science that deals with the detection and measurement of radiant electromagnetic energy.
RADIOMETRY n. the measurement of radiant energy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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