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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, D, 2I, 2R and T

DIARRHETICdiarrhetic adj. That causes, or is associated with, diarrhea.
DISTRAINERdistrainer n. Alternative form of distrainor.
DISTRAINER n. one who distrains; the party distraining goods or chattels, also DISTRAINOR.
DISTRAINORdistrainor n. (Law) One who distrains; the party distraining goods or chattels.
DISTRAINOR n. one who distrains; the party distraining goods or chattels, also DISTRAINER.
DRIVETRAINdrivetrain n. (Mechanical engineering) The mechanical parts of the powertrain, the gears and shafts, that connect…
drive␣train n. Alternative form of drivetrain.
DRIVETRAIN n. the parts that connect the transmission with the driving axles of an automobile, also DRIVELINE.
FRATRICIDEfratricide n. The killing of one’s brother (or sister).
fratricide n. (Military, by extension) The intentional or unintentional killing of a comrade in arms.
fratricide n. (Military, by extension) The undesirable situation where the separate missiles from a MIRV interfere…
INTERRADIIinterradii n. Plural of interradius.
INTERRADIUS n. a radius midway between primary radii or perradii.
IRRADIATEDirradiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of irradiate.
irradiated adj. Emitted outwards from a centre like rays.
irradiated adj. (Heraldry) Having rays.
IRRADIATESirradiates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of irradiate.
IRRADIATE v. to shed light or other rays upon or into.
IRRADIATORirradiator n. A device used to irradiate.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
IRRADICATEirradicate v. To root deeply.
IRRADICATE v. to fix firmly.
IRRIDENTASirridentas n. Plural of irridenta.
IRRIDENTA n. (Italian) a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another, also IRREDENTA.
RITARDANDIritardandi n. Plural of ritardando.
RITARDANDO n. (Italian) a musical passage with a gradual slackening of tempo, also RITARD.
TAILORBIRDtailorbird n. A small warbler of the genus Orthotomus, usually brightly coloured, with green or grey upperparts and…
TAILORBIRD n. a kind of Asian warbler.
TRIANDRIANtriandrian adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower.
TRIANDRIAN adj. of or pertaining to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower, also TRIANDROUS.
TRIPUDIARYtripudiary adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to dancing.
TRIPUDIARY adj. of or pertaining to the tripudium.
TRIRADIATEtriradiate adj. Having three rays.
TRIRADIATE adj. three-rayed, also TRIRADIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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