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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, D, 2I, O, P and T

APODEICTICapodeictic adj. Affording proof; demonstrative.
apodeictic adj. Incontrovertible; demonstrably true or certain.
apodeictic adj. (Logic) Of the characteristic feature of a proposition that is necessary (or impossible): perfectly…
DEPILATIONdepilation n. Act of pulling out or removing the hair; unhairing; hair removal.
depilation n. Removal of hair, wool or bristles from the body.
DEPILATION n. the act of removing the hair.
DIASPORISTSorry, definition not available.
DIATROPISMdiatropism n. (Biology) The growth or movement of a plant or animal in a direction perpendicular to a stimulus.
diatropism n. (Organic chemistry) An orthogonal arrangement of groups of atoms within a molecule, often associated with aromaticity.
diatropism n. The choice of an object of libidinal attachment on the basis of dissimilarity from early childhood protective…
DIOPTRICALdioptrical adj. Alternative form of dioptric.
DIOPTRICAL adj. transparent, also DIOPTRIC.
DIPLOMATICdiplomatic adj. Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
diplomatic adj. Exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
diplomatic adj. Describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other…
DISAPPOINTdisappoint v. (Transitive) To sadden or displease (someone) by underperforming, or by not delivering something promised…
disappoint v. (Transitive) To deprive (someone of something expected or hoped for).
disappoint v. (Transitive, dated) To fail to meet (an expectation); to fail to fulfil (a hope).
DISSIPATORdissipator n. One who, or that which, dissipates something.
DISSIPATOR n. one who dissipates, also DISSIPATER.
GRAPHITOIDgraphitoid adj. Resembling graphite.
GRAPHITOID adj. of or like graphite.
IDIOPATHICidiopathic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or designating a disease or condition having no known cause.
IDIOPATHIC adj. of a disease, etc. arising spontaneously from some unknown cause, primary.
LAPIDATIONlapidation n. (Law) The practice or act of stoning, sometimes to the point of death, as punishment.
LAPIDATION n. (archaic) the act of stoning.
PARASITOIDparasitoid n. Any organism that is parasitic during part of its life cycle, especially one that eventually kills its host.
PARASITOID n. an insect parasitic in one phase of the life history, thereafter independent.
PARODISTICparodistic adj. Of, related to, or having the characteristics of parody.
PARODISTIC adj. relating to parody.
PLATINOIDSplatinoids n. Plural of platinoid.
PLATINOID n. an alloy of copper, zinc, nickel, and tungsten, resembling platinum and resistant to tarnishing.
PODIATRIESPODIATRY n. the study and treatment of the human foot.
PODIATRISTpodiatrist n. (Medicine) A health care practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments.
PODIATRIST n. one who practises podiatry.
PRISMATOIDprismatoid n. (Mathematics) Any polyhedron whose vertices all lie in either of two parallel planes.
PRISMATOID n. a body that approaches to the form of a prism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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