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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, D, 3I, O and T

ADHIBITIONadhibition n. The act of adhibiting.
ADHIBITION n. the act of adhibiting; application; use.
DIGITATIONdigitation n. (Obsolete) Touching; manipulation with the fingers.
digitation n. (Zoology, botany) Any of various finger-like processes (outgrowths) found in plant and animal tissues.
DIGITATION n. a division into fingers or fingerlike processes.
DIVINATIONdivination n. (Uncountable) The act of divining; a foreseeing or foretelling of future events.
divination n. The apparent art of discovering secrets or the future by preternatural means.
divination n. (Countable) An indication of what is to come in the future or what is secret; a prediction.
IDIOPATHICidiopathic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or designating a disease or condition having no known cause.
IDIOPATHIC adj. of a disease, etc. arising spontaneously from some unknown cause, primary.
INDICATIONindication n. Act of pointing out or indicating.
indication n. That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence.
indication n. Discovery made; information.
IODINATINGiodinating v. Present participle of iodinate.
iodinating adj. That causes combination with iodine.
IODINATE v. to treat with iodine, also IODATE.
IODINATIONiodination n. (Chemistry) halogenation with iodine or an iodine compound.
IODINATION n. treatment with iodine or a compound of iodine.
IODISATIONiodisation n. Alternative spelling of iodization.
IODISATION n. the act of iodising, also IODIZATION.
IODIZATIONiodization n. The act or process of iodizing.
IODIZATION n. the act of iodizing, also IODISATION.
TRIDOMINIATRIDOMINIUM n. (Latin) threefold rule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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