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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, D, 3I, L and N

DIGITALINSdigitalins n. Plural of digitalin.
DIGITALIN n. a drug extracted from foxglove, used for heart complaints.
DIVISIONALdivisional adj. Of or pertaining to a division.
divisional adj. Of or pertaining to the process of division.
divisional n. (US, sports) A playoff determining the winning team from a particular division.
IDEALISINGidealising v. Present participle of idealise.
IDEALISE v. to regard as perfect, also IDEALIZE.
IDEALIZINGidealizing v. Present participle of idealize.
IDEALIZE v. to regard as perfect, also IDEALISE.
INDIVIDUALindividual n. A person considered alone, rather than as belonging to a group of people.
individual n. (Law) A single physical human being as a legal subject, as opposed to a legal person such as a corporation.
individual n. An object, be it a thing or an agent, as contrasted to a class.
INITIALLEDinitialled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of initial.
INITIAL v. to mark with the first letters of one's name.
INJUDICIALinjudicial adj. Not according to the forms of law; not judicial.
INJUDICIAL adj. not judicial.
INVALIDINGinvaliding v. Present participle of invalid.
invaliding n. (UK) The act of exempting someone from duty because of injury or ill health.
INVALIDING n. the act of treating as an invalid.
INVALIDISMinvalidism n. The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
INVALIDISM n. the condition of an invalid.
INVALIDITYinvalidity n. The state of being invalid; lack of validity.
INVALIDITY n. lack of validity or cogency.
MISDIALINGmisdialing v. Present participle of misdial.
misdialing n. An instance of reaching an unintended phone number due to an error in dialing or in using a keypad.
MISDIAL v. to dial incorrectly.
SOLIFIDIANsolifidian n. A person who believes that faith alone (as opposed to good deeds) brings salvation.
SOLIFIDIAN adj. maintaining that only faith can bring redemption.
SOLIFIDIAN n. one who maintains that only faith can bring redemption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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