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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, D, H, I, R, T and Y

ANHYDRITESanhydrites n. Plural of anhydrite.
ANHYDRITE n. an anhydrous sulphate of lime, differing from gypsum in not containing water (whence the name).
DITHYRAMBSdithyrambs n. Plural of dithyramb.
DITHYRAMB n. a hymn or poem to honor Bacchus.
DRAUGHTILYdraughtily adv. In a draughty manner.
DRAUGHTY adv. exposed to currents of air, also DRAFTY.
DYSARTHRIAdysarthria n. (Neurology, neuropsychology) Difficulty in articulating words due to a disturbance in the form or function…
DYSARTHRIA n. the impaired ability to articulate speech due to damage to the nervous system.
DYSTROPHIAdystrophia n. Dystrophy.
DYSTROPHIA n. impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue, also DYSTROPHY.
HEREDITARYhereditary adj. Passed on as an inheritance, by last will or intestate.
hereditary adj. Of a title, honor or right: legally granted to somebody’s descendant after that person’s death.
hereditary adj. Of a person: holding a legally hereditary title or rank.
HYDRASTINEhydrastine n. (Organic chemistry) A natural alkaloid present in goldenseal.
HYDRASTINE n. a white poisonous alkaloid extracted from the roots of the goldenseal, which has been used in medicine to contract the uterus and arrest haemorrhage.
HYDRATIONShydrations n. Plural of hydration.
HYDRATION n. the act of combining with water.
HYDROTAXIShydrotaxis n. (Biology) movement (of an organism or organ) in response to water.
HYDROTAXIS n. movement towards or away from water.
SWITCHYARDswitchyard n. Part of a railway with an arrangement of switches (or points) allowing trains to be diverted and reassembled.
SWITCHYARD n. an enclosed area for the switching facilities of a power station.
THYRSOIDALthyrsoidal adj. Alternative form of thyrsoid.
THYRSOIDAL adj. having the form of a thyrsus, also THYRSOID.
TRACHYTOIDtrachytoid adj. (Mineralogy) Resembling trachyte.
TRACHYTOID adj. resembling trachyte.
TRIHYDRATEtrihydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains three molecules of water of crystallization per molecule, or per unit cell.
TRIHYDRATE n. a substance that contains three molecules of water.
UNBIRTHDAYunbirthday n. A day that is not one’s birthday but is celebrated as though it were.
UNBIRTHDAY n. a day other than one's birthday.
YARDLIGHTSyardlights n. Plural of yardlight.
yard␣lights n. Plural of yard light.
YARDLIGHT n. a strong light suspended on a pole, used to illuminate a farmyard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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