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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, D, F, N, O, R and T

DEFORCIANTdeforciant n. (Obsolete, UK, law) One who keeps out of possession the rightful owner of an estate.
deforciant n. (Obsolete, UK, law) One against whom a fictitious action of fine was brought.
DEFORCIANT n. one who keeps out of possession the rightful owner of an estate.
DOWNDRAFTSdowndrafts n. Plural of downdraft.
DOWNDRAFT n. a downward movement of air, also DOWNDRAUGHT.
FECUNDATORFECUNDATOR n. one who fecundates.
FEDERATIONfederation n. Act of joining together into a single political entity.
federation n. Array of nations or states that are unified under one central authority which is elected by its members.
federation n. Any society or organisation formed from separate groups or bodies.
FOREDATINGforedating v. Present participle of foredate.
FOREDATE v. to date before the true time; to antedate.
FORESTLANDforestland n. Land covered by trees; forests; woodlands.
FORESTLAND n. land occupied by forest.
FORNICATEDfornicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fornicate.
fornicated adj. Fornicate; shaped like an arch.
FORNICATE v. to have illicit sexual intercourse.
FOUDROYANTfoudroyant adj. Having an awesome and overwhelming effect.
foudroyant adj. (Medicine) fulminant.
FOUDROYANT adj. (French) sudden and overwhelming in effect; dazzling.
FRACTIONEDfractioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of fraction.
fractioned adj. Separated into fractions by fractionation; fractionated.
FRACTION v. to divide into portions.
FRONTPAGEDFRONTPAGE v. to put on the front page of a newspaper.
FRONTWARDSfrontwards adj. Oriented towards the front.
frontwards adv. Towards the front.
FRONTWARDS adv. towards the front, also FRONTWARD.
STRANDWOLFstrandwolf n. (South Africa) The brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea).
STRANDWOLF n. the brown hyena that scavenges the shores in Africa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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