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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, D, F, I, N, O and S

BRAINFOODSbrainfoods n. Plural of brainfood.
BRAINFOOD n. any foodstuff containing nutrients thought to promote brain function, such as oily fish which is rich in omega-3 oils.
CONFIDANTSconfidants n. Plural of confidant.
CONFIDANT n. (French) a (male) person confided in or entrusted with secrets, esp. in love affairs, also CONFIDENT.
DEFLATIONSdeflations n. Plural of deflation.
DEFLATION n. the act of deflating.
DEFOLIANTSdefoliants n. Plural of defoliant.
DEFOLIANT n. a chemical used to cause defoliation.
DRAGONFISHdragonfish n. Any of several long, slender fishes, of the family Stomiidae, that have a luminous barbel used to attract prey.
FALCONOIDSFALCONOID n. an antioxidant compound found in tea and thought to resist cancer.
FLAVONOIDSflavonoids n. Plural of flavonoid.
FLAVONOID n. a kind of aromatic compound including many common pigments.
FLORIDEANSflorideans n. Plural of floridean.
FLORIDEAN n. any of a large subclass of red seaweeds.
FRICANDOESfricandoes n. Plural of fricando.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
FURANOSIDEfuranoside n. (Biochemistry) The furanose form of a glycoside.
FURANOSIDE n. a glycoside containing the ring characteristic of furanose.
INFRAPOSEDINFRAPOSED adj. placed below something else.
INFRASOUNDinfrasound n. (Physics) Sound waves having a frequency below the human audible range (below about 20 Hz).
INFRASOUND n. frequencies below the usual audible limit.
MODAFINILSMODAFINIL n. a stimulant drug that enhances wakefulness and vigilance, used in the treatment of narcolepsy.
SANGFROIDSsangfroids n. Plural of sangfroid.
SANGFROID n. (French) self-possession or imperturbability esp. under strain.
SAPONIFIEDsaponified v. Simple past tense and past participle of saponify.
saponified adj. Treated by saponification.
SAPONIFY v. to convert into soap.
SOLIFIDIANsolifidian n. A person who believes that faith alone (as opposed to good deeds) brings salvation.
SOLIFIDIAN adj. maintaining that only faith can bring redemption.
SOLIFIDIAN n. one who maintains that only faith can bring redemption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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